Veni Vidi Vici by -M.H

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This writing is by one of my good friends. I take no credit for her work. Her work is copyrighted @2015.

"Veni Vidi Vici"

I came.

As the the wind swept me off my feet,
revealing to me a beauty.
I took one step towards you
absorbing all of your scent
as we locked lips.
Your hands clamped onto my every curve,
concealing me with your lust.

I saw.
A few years had passed,
and the mask is finally peeled away from your face.
So this is your true image?
A ghastly beast standing before me.
Your very lips that I claimed as my own,
sucked another,
scorching with a sensual heat that I once knew.
Tears bite against my eyes, clawing down to my cheeks,
as I watched you unfold my heart and break it.

I conquered,
yet it seems that I am punishing myself, trying to save us.
You don't deserve me.
You don't realize what you've done.
You think you're safe, and hidden away from your sins?
You believe you had destroyed my very existence from your head?
Fuck those lies!
You played with this toy, soiling it with your filth.
This toy became tattered and weak,
so you whispered "rid of her".
You believed you had killed the devilish toy yourself,
and replaced her with an angelic marionette.
But one thing you haven't realized--
you can't kill no demon.
You've killed no demon my sweet.
You have merely awoken one.

By: M.H

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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