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What was that word again?

I honestly can't remember

It had something to do with...

December? Or maybe November

Oh right it was "Rosemary"

Stands for remembrance

It's something I'm very bad at

When it comes to attendance

Attending to tending to all the little things

Like doing my work

Or talking to friends

I don't know what's wrong with me

My brain just can't comprehend

With all the things that go on in my life

Can I honestly blame my brain?

I mean I worry so much

But yet think double as such

And I can't forget daydreaming

It's a second nature thing

Like breathing

What I'm trying to say

Is that my mind is like a dud

It goes off but nothing happens

I don't know how I got in this crud

Sure people forget things all the time

But every day my memory's getting worse

It's like I'm Ella Enchanted

Getting stuck with a curse

I can't do such with a dull brain

But I know this as much

I have to rid myself of this problem

Or at least tone it down a bunch

Writing notes in my phone

Almost never works

How should I remember events

When I can't even remember to look

Sometimes not remembering

Can cause big trouble

If we can't remember the Holocaust

Who's to say it won't double?

Planners haven't worked

Teenagers don't own bulletin boards

When was last a phone used as a phone?

And on my finger I don't wear a cord

I'll just keep trying

And trying

To where my memory will be strong enough

And I won't be afraid of it dying

Pictures can be priceless

They can't literally say a thousand words

But a memory sure can

Your mind is sacred

So remember to always take care of it

By keeping safe the breathtaking moments

And never forgetting the ones that made you cry

The mistakes you made

The opportunities missed

Anything can change in the blink of a second

Just do it

No matter how you're feeling

Just smile

Right now

Are you feeling better?

I sure hope so

Because Rosemary would be proud

You can't see her now

But she's up in the clouds

Smiling, oh so very big and wide

Looking down upon us from the starry sky

She's thinking how you and I

Could actually make a difference

In a world full of hate

But in an ocean full of love

We should stand hand in hand

Being grateful on the months like November and December

It's the lives that we live

That we'll always remember

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