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              Being genius is a gift for everyone. If everyone knows you are, then they'll envy you for being that kind of person. But not until you live in my country.

             Have you ever thought that someone can replace your brain with another brain? Or let us just say that your smarty brain can be shared to another brain.  Have you ever thought that someone can make you smarter? Everything was normal not until then when my mother discovered of what I am capable of.

              I grow up in this city called "smart city". Everyone in this city is so called to be smart. It was after when the Great Depression in 1930's hits the world. The economy was down and many people died due to hunger during war. Our country leaders are one of the country leaders in the world that plays an important role to addressed this chaos. Until then our city was named after that.

            Our Governor believed that we are the product of that people. He believed that someday, we... the new generation youngters can help this city be recognize by the world as the greatest city who can make an impossible things happen. That is why the education system in the city was far from the education system that other countries do.

             Every kids aged five up to eight years old is strictly monitored by the government. If they discover of what a child is capable of,  they will purposely get the parent's consent to bring the child into a training school that will enhance their skills. They will be trained in the different fields. They could be someone who is better in Science or in Mathematics.

             The family of these gifted children will be compensated for the hard work of taking good care of the children. They will receive a cash and a special treatment in the society for they will receive also some benefits. Their children will be sent in to a training school that will make them a future leader. And it would be a great idea. Develop young ones that could contribute a great progress in the country.

              That is how the people in the city thought. For them it was a previledge to get recognized by the leader in the city as an extra-ordinary having a child that has an above  IQ from the other children. But...not to me and my family. Why? Because I am one of those children. The gifted children in the city.

             I am Althea Adler, a child who was born with a speciality in Mathematics. If trained, I might excel to be a young mathematician. My parents has both job in the government. My father was one of the great body guard of the highly respected governor. My mother on the other hand is a certified accountant in the city. I have an older brother who is two years older than me. But unlike me he could live his life normally. I am not saying that my brother could have a dull brain. It is just that my brother's IQ is normal and his capabilities matches with his age.

           My brother can play outside with friends. He can go to a normal school. He can be proud of what can he do and he can be whatever he wants. And I wish to have that kind of life. A life far from being a Gifted Child.

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