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At the computer sat a small female with dirty blonde hair in a mossy green hoodie, the only light in the room being from the computer monitor to her front and side. Aside from the wind blowing at the side of the house and the rain cascading over above the female's ceiling and roof, the only other sound was from the female who seemed to be talking to someone, or rather some people.

"FlowerQueenZ thank you for the 10 dono, Hey Karma! When did you first get recognized?" A puzzled look flashed apon the female's, now know as 'Karma', face before leaning back in her chair. "Ummm. I'd say back when I st-STARTed to voice act for JesS. Which was mabye," Karma stopped to think, "Maybe, 2018? I believe. I wAS about 15 at the time and she was looking for a voice ac-actor for a character that was mostly mute but had a raspy voice when she talked. Ironically, this character's name was Karma, I had been going by Kuro at-t-t th-the time." 'Karma' finished saying, smiling do herself looking and attempting read the messages that where flinging up on her screen. Adjusting the blue glasses with a black cheetah print that lay on her nose she notices a few different messages being said releptively.

Trashvis - Aphmau got you relevant PogChamp
🌃Sippycup - kstrings<3 ph1lLove kstrings<3 ph1lLove kstrings<3
BreathingBot - C L O U T
🌃Kaylanotfound - STUTTER kstringsTIC kstringsTIC kstringsTIC kstringsTIC kstringsTIC
🌆StuckInWalmart - @Trashvis among other things
👑🌆WilburSoot - Don't forget about me!!!
🌇GayNProud - The fact your a voice actor even with your Tourettes is amazing kstrings<3 BisexualPride kstrings7
Ereterman - WILBUR ph1lLove
TwitchBrotherhoodIsPog - THE CLOUT
DristaSupreme - THE FAN ART LOOKS SO REAL! POG PogChamp PogChamp
🌃Sippycup - HELLO WILL
🌇SocialReject - @WilburSoot I. S E E. Y O U.

Chuckling to herself, she snaps her neck to the side quickly letting out a pop noise, before leaning closer to her mic and turning up the sensitivity. "Hello Wilbur, hows your voice doing?" she whispers into the mic before leaning back and turning the sensitivity down.

👑🌆WilburSoot - I've been better
👑🌆WilburSoot - I've been better
👑🌆WilburSoot - I've been better
👑🌆WilburSoot - I've been better
🏙FlowerQueenZ - @WilburSoot are you still possessed???
Ereterman - CORPSEBUR

"Wel-ell I'm gonna take that as it's not as bad as it was in MCC 11." She said with an amused tone as she watches her chat spam 'CORPSEBUR' 'RAGEBUR' and other things. "Well than chat!" She claps her hands together as her whole body jerks with the motion, "that's all for today, I'll seE you all next stream!"

👑🌆WilburSoot - SLEEP CHILD
👑🌆WilburSoot - SLEEP CHILD
👑🌆WilburSoot - SLEEP CHILD
🌇GayNProud - SEE YOU QUEEN kstrings<3 kstrings<3 kstrings<3 kstrings<3 kstrings<3 kstrings<3 kstrings<3 kstrings<3 kstrings<3
🌃Kaylanotfound - BYE
🏙FlowerQueenZ - BYE LOVE YOU KARMA kstrings<3
🌆StuckInWalmart - BYE KARMA kstrings<3 kstrings<3
🌃Sippycup - BYE KARMA BYE MR SOOT 👋👋👋👋

And with that Karma sent them off to a smaller streamer who had been playing minecraft at the time, she stuck around for a bit, the streamer started to tear up, before deciding to leave and get some rest.

Looking over at the clock, bright red numbers said 3:58, 'Class starts at 7:45 so I have about four hours' she thought before turning on her side and pulling the covers over her shoulders. After ticking a lot for a few minutes, at 4 am Karma was finally able to let the darkness of sleep consume her.

Hey everyone! When referring to Karma I will usually use female as that the 'body type' he has, if you know what I mean. Karma is nonbinary but usually uses just she/her, they/them is confusing to him. Karma also dislikes being referred to as someone's daughter and prefers to be called son. I just thought I'd say this! Bye 👋

- Kuro / Inferno

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