Siker reunites

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Sophie was so happy reuniting with her best friend. Gavin was so sweet to find her and make her feel like she belongs. They were hanging out at the his house after they filmed the video of them reuniting.
"So Sophie how are you?" Sarah asked.
"Honestly not the best! I love you guys for making me feel welcome but it's been a hard few days, I just hate that Jentzen broke up with me through a YouTube video. I love him and he just kicked me to the curb! I can not help feeling like I was being used by him!" Sophie truthfully said.
Gavin felt anger coursing through him. He decided to text the one person that could probably make Sophie feel more comfortable and welcome. This guy also knew Jentzen so he could tell her if he was using her or not.

*text convo with Walker*
G-man: Walker guess who's here
WJB: um idk
G-man: well it's someone you like 😏
WJB: 👀
G-man: that's right
G-man: yep
WJB: I'm coming over!
*text convo over*

Gavin smirked to himself. He always knew Walker had a thing for Sophie. It's perfect that she's now friends with him again. Maybe he can get Sophie and Walker together. And no Gavin doesn't like Sophie like that. He likes Sarah! Anyway a few minutes later Gavin heard a knock on his door. He went to open the door and sure enough Walker was there. Before Gavin could even greet Walker he came running in.
"SOPHIE!!!" He yelled. Sophie came to the door "hey Gavin who is at the do- Walker?" She asked breathlessly. She ran into his arms and they hugged each other so tightly. Walker clearly missed Sophie a lot after he left Piper's squad.
"I'm so sorry about everything that has happened to you! I would have expected better from Jentzen. You really don't deserve this! But look on the bright side you are reunited with Gavin and now you are reunited with me! So this whole situation really is not all bad! I missed you!"
"I missed you too Walker. A lot!" Sophie told him and they smiled at each other. Gavin stood there awkwardly.
"Ok guys come on let's go have some fun together!" Gavin told them. They laughed and followed Gavin further into his house to just hang out!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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