Chapter Two

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Marnie's POV

He stood above me with his shoulders rigid, and the cool autumn wind blowing his white hair out of its always-perfect style. He stared at me and felt almost as if his cold eyes were piercing through me, making it even harder for me to try to stand up and regain my composure. Of all the people I could've stumbled into, it just had to be the guy who had tormented my friends for the past six years at school.

He hadn't ever really done anything to me, I doubt he even knew who I was, besides just being someone who hung out with the golden trio sometimes. I don't think he has ever spoken a single word to me, or even knew my name, which was probably for the best. It's not like I had ever tried to become friends with him, in fact I spent most of my years avoiding him, wanting to stay out of trouble. I had seen and heard all of the horrible things he had done and said to my friends throughout the year, so I had just kept away. But here he was, standing right in front of me.

He looked at me with disgust before shoving his hand down before me, and saying "Are you planning on getting up, or are you just going to sit there in the mud for the rest of the day?"

I froze, staring at his large hand. Was he really offering to help me? There had to be a catch.

"Get the hell up before anyone sees me talking to a half-blood!"

There's the catch.

He was starting to bother me at this point. Who did he think he was, shit talking me, just because I'm not a perfect little pureblood like him? And after all of those years of him constantly harassing the people I love just to come here and act like a complete jerk just because I had fallen into him? I ignored his hand and instead pushed myself up off the ground and tried to look as intimidating as I could to him, being that I was at least seven inches shorter than him.

I spoke out to him, the words coming out much softer than I had hoped, "Shut up Malfoy."

The satisfied smirk on his face dropped into a sneer as he stepped closer to me. He was probably only two inches from my body and I could feel the heat of his radiating onto mine, and I could smell his strong cologne mixed with what I thought was green apples.

"What did you say to me?" he snarled at me.

I gulped and took a tiny step back, maybe talking to him wasn't the best idea I've had. I didn't know what to do, he was clearly angry with me for daring to talk back to him. I doubted he would hurt me, but I was still frightened nonetheless. I opened my mouth to speak when I felt someone suddenly step up beside me.

"Piss off Malfoy."


Draco rolled his eyes and muttered "Go to hell Potter" beneath his breath before wandering off over to where his slytherin friends were standing. I'm not sure where Harry had come from, I had assumed that after I couldn't find him, he had probably gone back to the common room, or had gone off looking for Oliver to talk about the match.

"Are you okay Marnie?"

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks." My voice shook ever so slightly when I said this, and I had hoped that he wouldn't pick up on it, but of course he did, it was Harry. He glanced up and down and my now dirt covered clothes and cloak.

"Did he do anything to you? I swear to Merlin if he laid a finger on you I'll-"

I interrupted him, "Harry I'm fine. I wasn't paying attention and I tripped and fell into him. He was just being annoying and I spoke back to him. Really."

I could see that Harry didn't fully believe me, even though I hadn't lied to him. He had never really liked Draco, and he had every reason not to, but he should've believed me when I said nothing had happened. His lips fell into a tight frown, and his fists tightened at his sides, as he looked over at Draco's group.

He looked at the ground and let out a sigh and muttered, "Let's just go back to the common room."

I nodded my head at Harry, and pulled off my now rain and mud soaked cloak, and held it in my arms.

Harry paused and said "Here one moment," before pulling out a red quidditch sweatshirt from his bag and handing it to me, "Take it, you'll get cold."

I could feel my face turn bright pink and I stuttered out and shaky "thanks" as I pulled it onto me. Him giving me it probably didn't mean anything, he was a sweet guy, he probably just didn't want me to get cold. He was just that kind of person, always putting others before himself. But I could always hope that it meant something, that he maybe did feel the same. Probably not thought, him and Cho had a thing for a while, and it ended not too long ago. Hermione had always said that he had some feelings for me, but I'm sure she had just said that to make me feel better about my hopeless feelings for him. Sometimes I let myself believe that maybe he felt the same way. That maybe all the times we had laughed together or all the times I caught him staring at me, had meant something. But I never let myself get too caught up in these thoughts, because I knew it wasn't good to let myself get stuck in a fantasy.

"Hey, Marnie?"

I looked to my side at Harry, "Yeah?"

"You look good in that. The sweatshirt, I mean."

Rosey blush filled my cheeks as I squeaked out a, "thank you" and quickly flicked my eyes away before he could see how red I had gotten. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him give me a small smile before diverting his eyes up ahead again. Huh. Maybe it isn't just a fantasy.

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