CH 6 - the meeting

Start from the beginning

"Guess who I found?" Amaimon sad happily, his fangs peeking out from his lips as he turned his gaze to Rin.

"No way,"

"It can't be"

"He is back!"

The murmurs of the crewmates soon filled the air with a measure of confusion and shock, gazing around Rin could recognize a few faces but most were aline to him, either forgotten or new entirely.

"So I see there have been a few changes in your crew," Rin added turning his to Amaimon to begin a conversation between the two of them, ignoring the captain entirely.

Mephisto couldn't say he wasn't upset by the reaction but it understandable. The captain in response simply leaned against the door frame, watching every movement from Rin as he spoke with Amaimon...

"A few yes, if you are wondering Rick is still around if you want to go bother him,"

"What about Jenny?"

"She went off on her own soon after you left, she found a mate and we haven't seen her since,"

"I see,"

"So are you going to tell me what you have been up to in the past few years to nearly capsize this ship?" Amaimon inquired, his harsh tone sending the message he wanted to be heard.

"Well, I didn't nearly capsize it, besides it's nothing special,"

"It takes years of practice to what you did, so tell where did you learn that?" Amaimon snapping, wishing to know what other SIrens Rin had been training ith over the years...

"I didn't learn it from anyone, I just kinda did it one day,"

"You are capsizing merger trade shi[ps?" Amaimon growled in fury, actions like that were what made Sirens so hates in the first palace.

"NO! Just smaller hunter ships," Rin barked back. "Or trade ships that supplied weapons to hunters,"

"You are attacking hunter ships?!" Amaimon snarled.

"Why do you care? It has nothing to do with you!" Rin growled in response.

"Stupid!" Amaimon chastized, having a fit over the revelation. "I thought I had told you to stay away from hunter ships!"

"I don't care what you said! Besides I didn't start going after hunter ships until I was thirteen. I was perfectly capable of handling myself, and I still am,"

"Well, clearly you aren't" Amaimon added, "No one in their right mind sleeps during dawn in the open ocean, that's just asking for trouble.

"Well, one had bothered me until you came around, besides I fought you off didn't I?"

"I wasn't attacking you at first, I could have done a lot worse than I did,"

"Why did you bite me in the first palace?"

"Your tail caught my attention, I figured it was some sort of weapon, maybe metal the ship could use, or maybe something we could sell,"

"And you couldn't have tried to pick it up with your hands?" Rin snarled in response.

"When I got closer I noticed the edge of your scales, at that point, I was testing if it was biological material or not. I only fought back when you attacked me," Amaimon hissed.

"Well if the two of you are done debating, I would like to welcome you back to my ship Rin," Mephisto purred walking over to the sirens. "If you don't mind me asking, are you, by chance attending the gathering?"

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