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Bubbles floated around a bathroom as (Y/n)'s head rose up from the water, leaning over the tub, she crossed her arms and rested her chin over them as her feet kicked behind her, "So, what are you planning on doing now?" She asked her friend, who's fingers bent and twitched different directions.


"Oh okay."

Vegapunk released the strings coming from his fingers and sighed, leaning back in his chair, "I'm looking for more DNA samples, my tools need new abilities." He said, crossing his arms. (Y/n) blinked, "Why don't you take mine?" She asked, standing from the tub. Vegapunk turned and looked at her, "You know exactly why I don't take yours, even though your quirk might be considered useless, you turned it into a powerful weapon."

(Y/n) sighed, reaching for the towel beside her, "I still don't get it." Wrapping the fluffy towel around her body, she walked over and leaned to look at the blueprints. Vegapunk turned around and chuckled, "Isn't it beautiful? Your tool has the ability to reset someone to their very starting point." He said.

"It took a little bit of that girl Chisaki has to get it to work, but it's a full weapon now."

The woman hummed, "So one slash and they'll turn into a baby or something?" She asked, Vegapunk clicked his tongue, "Not quiet. A slash will have them lose their memory of the process so far, the deeper the cut, the more memories they lose." He explained.

"And if I slice them in half?"

"Then they lose their memories completely."

A brunette held down a man carefully to the ground, the city around them destroyed, but the villain was caught, and the girl is safe.

As she came down with her out of control quirk, she was resting against the boy with green hair, who had also took a breath. Standing on a building, (Y/n) watched the scene below, her brand new staff leaning against her shoulder. "Oh, so he lost." She said. Her lashes fluttered, the upside down heart shaped pupils took in the sight below her.

And golden eyes took in the sight above them.

"(Y-" He began, the brunette holding him down furrowed her brows, "What?" She asked, slightly worried, "(Y/n)-" Chisaki sputtered, his eyes widening. The girl blinked, not wanting to look up, but the villain was weak, taking her chances, she looked up too.

A gasp escaped her mouth, which made the others turn to her, and then to the building.


The woman sighed, leaning against her staff, "Ya got caught Chisaki. What a shame." She smiled, her eyes narrowed down to the man who was lost for words. She looked down to the mess below her, "Was he that tough of an opponent? Or are you guys just weak?" She asked. A scruffy looking man narrowed his eyes, (Y/n) was affected by past relationships, but she's never spoken like that.

With a sigh, (Y/n) grinned, "Ya know, maybe if you didn't betray him like that, you would've gotten guaranteed protection from his organization." She laughed.

Chisaki grunted, it was true. Vegapunk knew his subordinates well, his crew, and they would have worked well with him if he didn't get too excited.

"(Y/n), what are you saying?" Nejire asked, slightly worded for her good friend.

With a scoff, she placed a hand on her hip, "I'm saying that this is just the beginning. Your fight is far from over." (Y/n) blinked, "I've got a special friend who's dying to get to know you all." It was a great flash, but she swiftly dodged the strike of a sweet dessert, she grinned once she realized who it was.

"That's a bit mean, Mochi."

The heroes turned to see a giant man, many times the size of them. Half of his face was covered by a fluffy scarf, "No more playing around, I've done my work." He said, (Y/n) giggled as she reeled her arms back and shot them out to him, the man swiftly grabbed on and was yanked up to the building.

Eraserhead couldn't watch. He couldn't believe it.

His little girl was working with villains?

Right under his nose?

"Most of the things are set, I need to head back." The man from before said, "Let's get going, (Y/n)." He said, his deep voice booming. "Kaay."

"(Y/n)! Don't you dare move from that spot!" Aizawa shouted, catching her attention. Her lashes fluttered when she caught the sight of her old man tired, exhausted from the work he did, bleeding. Her eyes darkened a little, that went unnoticed by many, "Let's go, Mochi." (Y/n) wrapped her arms around the giant's neck and she didn't bother looking back as she left.

Leaving behind confusion, and betrayal.

Silence was present in the meeting. Nobody had dared open their mouths as an injured man sat in the chair, his hair blocked his face as he still couldn't process what had happened back at the crime scene.


His tired bloodshot eyes raised to look at a weakened, skeleton looking man, "She fooled all of us. This isn't your fault." He reassured.

Not wanting to answer, he kept quiet.

"The situation is far from worse." A mouse explained, "It seems like she's been working with an old friend from U.A," He paused, "I'm not sure who."

A knock caused most of them to turn to the doors, walking in, an ash blonde. "Ah, Bakugo, may I ask what you need?" The mouse asked. His crimson orbs glanced at his teacher, before he pulled a slip of paper from his pocket, "I'm worried for her." He said, placing the paper on the desk, he turned and began to walk, "This is the only thing I could find."

"Please, just make sure she's safe."

They couldn't hear him, but Bakugo had his own thoughts.

"Please, make sure (Y/n) is safe."

Short chapter woopsie, but I have to be real honest, what the fuck is my hero?? Like, I know this chapter is bad but like ??

I'm really trying I'm sorry if you don't like it I don't wanna ruin this book hhhhhhh-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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