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Dipper's POV:
I looked at the clock.It was already 6:30!
"Madison I better go home,I don't want to leave Laura alone for to long"I said.
"Alright,see you at school tomorrow"Madison said as she waved goodbye.I waved back and walked out of the door.I looked both ways then quickly crossed the road.I was just about to go into my house when I saw Pluto!
"Hi Pluto!"I waved.
"Oh,hi Dipper"Pluto greeted.
"What are you doing out here this late?"I asked.
"I could ask you the same thing"Pluto replied.
"Hey wanna hang out at my house,Audrey isn't home yet and I don't know if Laura's there or not"I asked.
"Sure I bet my parents wouldn't mind"Pluto answered.I opened the door and we both came inside the house.Pluto looked amazed at how pristine it was.
"How much money did this cost?"Pluto said bewildered.
"It was actually pretty cheap for my parents at least.I know that we owned this house for a while and when mom and dad had free time they would work on the house"I informed.
"Jesus"Pluto said quietly.
"I'm going to go check if Laura's in her room"I informed.
"Can I come?"Pluto asked.
"Of course!"I answered excitedly.Me and Pluto walked to Laura's room and she wasn't there....for some reason I was a little worried usually around 6:00 she's home if she's at a friend's house.
"Huh she might be at a friend's house"Pluto assumed.
"I was just at Madison's house so I doubt she's there"I explained.
"She could be at Damien's house"Pluto proposed.
"Why don't we go and ask him!"I exclaimed.
"Sure"Pluto agreed.I grabbed mine and Pluto's coat and handed his coat to Pluto.After we put our jackets and shoes on we walked out of the house.
"How do you know where Damien's house is?"Pluto said curiously.
"He's our neighbor...when you met Laura didn't Damien say she was his neighbor?"I asked.
"Oh right"Pluto said sheepishly.I laughed.A couple minutes later we made it to Damien's house.
"I'll knock on the door"I exclaimed.I knocked on the door and heard some shouting inside the house.
"Damien! Someone's at the door!"Someone said.I couldn't hear what their voices sounded like too much.Someone sighed.
"Coming!"Someone shouted.The door slowly opened and on the other side of the door I saw Laura!
"Hi Dipper"Laura greeted.
"Hello Planet Reject"Laura looked at Pluto and said curtly.Laura's eyes turned into daggers.
"So you and Pluto...alone huh?"Laura said dryly.I looked over at Pluto and he was sweating.
"We were only alone for five minutes!"I protested.
"And what were you doing for those five minutes?"Laura said as she looked over at me.Appearently she's okay with me being gay,but she's not fine with me being alone with boys...ironic.
"We looked in your room,but you weren't there and then Pluto thought you were at Madison's house,but I was just there!Then Pluto suggested asking Damien,so we walked here and I knocked on the door and you were here"I said quickly.
"Did he...touch you"Laura asked slowly.
"No"I answered.
"Good..."Laura said while looking at Pluto.
"Who's at the door?"Damien said as he walked over.
"Why don't you muster up that sight of yours and look"Laura teased.
"F*** you!"Damien shouted.Laura laughed.
"No swearing!"I shouted.
"Sure Dipstick"Damien teased.Laura laughed so hard I thought I saw tears.Pluto looked at me and started laughing too.
"Shut up!"I said flustered.
"Well are you going home?"Damien asked Laura.
"Yeah"Laura answered.Then Laura whispered something in Damien's ear and hugged him.Pluto looked surprised when he hugged back.
"Dude...you hate hugs!"Pluto said still in shocked.Damien's gaze suddenly turned almost demonic.
"Pluto say another thing about me that I don't want people to know and I will pick you up,go to the school rooftop and yeet you off of the roof and when you die from heights I'll laugh at your funeral"Damien said curtly.
"Don't do that!"Pluto said in a dramatic tone.Damien rolled his eyes.
"Just go"Damien urged.Me,Laura,and Pluto waved goodbye and walked back to my house.When we got to my house Audrey was already home.
"I should get home,see you at school Dipper"Pluto said as he walked to his house.I wonder where he lives...maybe I could ask if I could come over one day.
"Pluto is definitely gay for you"Laura teased.
"Laura!"I shouted as I began to chase her around the yard.My face was so red that Rudolph's nose would be jealous.Eventually I caught Laura.After that we went inside,hung up our coats,and went to our rooms.After a few hours of playing video games with Pluto until he had to leave.So I went to sleep,but a few hours later I woke up.I began crying because I had a really bad nightmare...The door slowly opened and I saw Laura walk in the room.
"Hey you okay?"Laura asked.
"I had the nightmare again"I said.
"You mean the that forces you to rewatch your death over and over again?"Laura asked.
"Yeah"I mumbled.
"Want me to sing you a song,so you can sleep?"Laura asked.
"Yeah!"I cheered.
[(This is the song Laura sung)This song was made by Chi-Chi]

As she was singing to me I slowly drifted off to sleep.
Laura's POV:
After I noticed Dipper fell asleep I tucked him in the sheets and kissed his forehead(Reminder-Laura and Dipper are siblings,this isn't insest).I closed the door to Dipper's room and walked to my room.I looked at what the time was on my phone.It was 11:53 PM.
"I should go to bed"I muttered.I closed the door to my room,turned my ceiling fan on,and tucked myself into bed....but I saw something weird when I closed my eyes I saw a white place of emptiness.It was like a vast place where nothing exsisted.I waited,but the more I just sat there and waited the more I wanted to scream,to yell,to call for help!So I called for help..........but nobody came....I began screaming!It felt like I was screaming for hours!Soon the screams started screaming back...Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days....I could tell it wasn't a dream...this place was real and it decided to haunt me....A couples hours later I saw a black sliouette coming closer.As it got closer I could make out a girl.This girl had dark brown hair and lifeless eyes.
"Hello"The girl said.
"Hi"I muttered.
"My name is Tressa"Tressa greeted.
"My name's Laura"I mumbled.
"I didn't know anybody else was physically able to come here"Tressa said curiously.
"Really?"I asked.
"I've been here for years...this place is filled with so much....despair"Tressa informed.After she said that I looked at her face.There were black marks under her eyes.
"What are those?"I asked as I pointed at the marks.
".....they are marks of despair.A goddess named Despair blessed me with her powers,but one day I got consumed by this despair and I got trapped here.I was left to go insane to....corrupt"Tressa said sorrowfully.
"Will that happen to me?"I asked.
"You already have marks...look"Tressa said as she handed me a mirror.She was right I had black marks under my eyes too.
"I'm going to teleport you back"Tressa stated.Tressa then clapped her hands and I was teleported out of the void.I was restless for a while,but soon I went back to sleep.

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