Chapter One

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Age one:

Turns out that I was wrong. Instead of going to the afterlife like normal people, I was sent to the TVD universe. It gets worse. I was reborn as Elena fucking Gilbert. Adoptive daughter of Miranda and Grayson Gilbert. Blood daughter of Isobel Flemmings and John Gilbert.

The first year was very uneventful. As a baby, all I did was eat, sleep, poop, and cry. I did my best to avoid Grayson. Ain't no vampire-torturer touching me. Miranda got the gist when she realized that I would start crying if Grayson held me.

I may or may not have flipped him off. They chalked it up as me being a baby. Nope. Even though I couldn't walk, I still had some ability to control my arms. Barely. All I could do was swing my arms and legs so far.

Age two:

Miranda and Grayson were worried about me. Even though I regained my ability to walk, albeit barely, I still hadn't uttered a word. I was saving it for a special occasion.

"Elena, can you say dada?" Grayson was desperate for my first words to be 'dada'. Not going to happen. Instead, I promptly walked away and began to doodle on the little sketch pad Miranda bought me.

Miranda was out with her friends today while her husband watched over me. It was an attempt to get us closer since they noticed my dislike towards him. His phone began to ring.

"This is Grayson Gilbert," he answers with a business-like tone. I can hear someone talking to him and by the sounds of it, it wasn't good. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration as he runs his hands through his hair.

"Fuck! Why?" I smirked. Finally. I've been waiting for this moment. I set the markers down and walk towards him. When I reach him, I look up at him with the most innocent face I can muster.

"Not now sweety. Daddy's taking a call right now."

"Fuck!" I let out a huge grin when his face contorts into horror. He frantically tells the person that he'd call them back.

"No no. That's a bad word."


"No! Bad!" What am I? A fucking dog?

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Oh my god. Miranda is going to kill me," Grayson mutters with an exasperated tone. He picks me up and sits me down on the chair and kneels in front of me. "Don't say that word. It's a bad bad word. Mommy's going to kill me if she hears you say that."

Was I going to be obedient and listen to 'my father' or was I going to be a little piece of shit? Yep! Definetly going with the latter. I nod my head and he let out a relieved sigh. It was two hours later when she came home.

"I'm home!" I ran towards Miranda and hug her legs. "Hi sweety, was daddy being nice?"

"Fuck!" I supress a giggle when her eyes widen.

"What did you say?"

"Mama! Dada said fuck!"

"Sweety, why don't you go to your room while I have a 'chat' with daddy?"

That evening, I could hear Miranda screaming at Grayson for swearing in front of me. Boy was she pissed! I was surprised none of the neighbors came over to check it out.

Age Three:

Today, I woke up feeling a little dazed. When I opened my eyes, I saw words floating in front of me.

Mission: Befriend Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes
Deadline: One year
Reward: Friends for life

Bonus: Befriend Tyler Lockwood and Vicki Donovan
Deadline: N/A
Reward: N/A

"Sweety! We're going to the park today," Miranda says, picking out a dress for me. I had to admit, I look good in dresses. When we arrive, there were already children running around.

My eyes scan the play area and is caught by a blur of blonde hair running towards me. We both fall down as she collides into me. It was Caroline.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's ok. I'm Ellie. Wanna be my friend?"

In my previous life, I wasn't a social person. I didn't really know how to make friends nor did I know how to have a good conversation. Luckily, kids were easy to be friends with each other.

"Sure! I'm Caroline Forbes. Do you wanna join me and my friend Bonnie?"

"Can I?"

"Of course you can!" Caroline basically drags me behind her as she happily trots over. She was too cute. Bonnie was hiding in the play castle as we walk towards her.

"Hi, I'm Ellie. What's your name?"

Bonnie wasn't my favorite. In my opinion, she was way too judgy. But I can't really hate her now. She was only a kid. If I was going to be friends with her, she needed to learn how to accept the supernatural world.

"B-Bonnie." I take it back. She was too cute. I almost wanted to squeeze her and Caroline because of how adorable they were.

"We're friends now," I say to her, offering my hand. She was shy but grabbed my hand anyways.


"Can I call you Bon-Bon?"


"And I'll call you Care-bear." Caroline's eyes beam up at the nickname. We ended up playing tag until our parents' decided it was time to go home.

"Did you have fun sweety?" Miranda asked. I liked her. At least a lot more than Grayson.

"I met Caroline and Bonnie!"

"The sheriff's daughter and Abby's daughter?"

"Mhmm. I like them."

"That's good sweety. Daddy's working late today so we can go shopping!"

It was weird being a kid all over again, but I kind of liked it. There was no expectation from me and I had a lot of free time. It was nice.

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