But how-

Jimin's heart went cold.

Someone had started the change, he realized. Someone had started the change and it had been eons ago, according to those who lived in Elyxion. Someone had taken the prior step to change the world to the worst; had sealed away the Spirit of the Good. It could have been Ajax, but Ajax had come into power after Yoongi. And Yoongi had also claimed that he had no idea of what had happened to the Angel King.

So was there a bigger enemy behind this? Someone other than Ajax?

If Jimin was correct- and he was so sure he was- was there someone else other than Ajax that they should be worrying about? Or was Ajax the major enemy?

"So you're saying- they banned humans in Elyxion because...they didn't want a Demon King or an Angel King?" Draiotch frowned. "But there is a Demon King already. It doesn't make sense"

"The Demon King in question, Ajax, he's not fully human. He's part-demon" Jimin mumbled absent-mindedly. "He-he manipulated his way up to being the Demon King"

"What do you mean, part-demon?"

"He infused himself with a demon" A shiver ran up Jimin's spine as he remembered the words Yoongi had muttered the night they had made love. The memory had him smiling wanly. "So I guess that's not human, is it?"

"Why would he-" Draiotch seemed at a loss of words. "This Ajax. Why does he want to kill angels?"

"He wants...a new world, in short" Jimin was regaining his composure bit by bit now. "His prime motive is revenge. So he wants to...well, in his own words, burn the world down and build it up from the ashes. Have a world where no good exists"

Draiotch blinked slowly. "So...why the 21st of September...?"

"It's the day that he lost it all"


Jimin nodded. "This is- this is not what I expected at all"

"Wait" Draiotch narrowed his eyes at Jimin. "When you said she wants you to be the Angel King..."

"She wants me to be her host. In other words, the Angel King" Even as Jimin said the words, it still wouldn't make sense. "If the Angel King returns and we save Fen that would mean the balance is restored. But if Ajax manages to kill angels before that...then it's all done for" And Jimin could finally see the big picture; the final conclusion. Of course, there was always the doubt nagging him that he could be wrong, but this seemed to be the only explanation.

"And you're absolutely sure of this?" he could hear the disbelief in the Seelie's voice and Jimin more than agreed with him, but the conviction was just as strong as the incredulity.

"Although if I want to get these assumptions...confirmed, I can ask Fen" Jimin suggested. "And for that...I have to save him first. Which is where we have a slight complication. You said there was a seal?"

Draiotch nodded, but he still seemed to be out of it.

"How do we break this seal?"

"Honestly...no idea" the man shrugged. The question seemed to have dimmed something inside of him and it took Jimin a moment to figure out why.

Draiotch had always been the man with the answer, hence his name, he-who-knows-it-all. And now, without a single memory of his beloved, he had nothing to give in exchange for the answers he sought. It must be overwhelming, losing your memories of your beloved and in the same process, losing a part of you, that had been such an ingrained character trait.

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