She fell to the floor and started sobbing like a four year old when she didn't get a piece of candy she wanted in the candy store. You felt a bit bad as she always tried to make Gilbert love her, so you tried to cheer her up.

You sat on the floor next to her and took her in one arm.

'Ruby- I know you really want Gilbert,' you whisper so no one could hear, ' but there is sooo much more boys out there that prefer you more than he prefers you, and that's a good thing because that's what you need. You don't need a guy who doesn't really want you as you want him, it has to be equal, fair, and I know it sounds sad, and you might think I'm saying this because you know, he's my boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you, I want you to have the best life and choose the right man for you. You still have your whole life ahead of you, and I'm also sorry I told you those things before. I just lose my temper sometimes-' you pause and gasp for air.

She looked at you with teary eyes.

'Really?' you could see hope in her tired body language and tone of voice.

'Really,' you smiled back and helped her up.

Ruby grabbed you and hugged you tight, like if she wanted to choke you, but in a good way. 

'I'm also sorry, my dibs are so furious..' she giggled and broke the hug. 

Everyone clapped and cheered for you.

You curst elegantly and turned to see the boring old teacher that came moody all the time in the classes.

'Okay class, settle down, this isn't a place to cheer and clap for whatever reason I couldn't care less,' he grabbed a chalk and started writing on the board.

Everyone sat down and you looked at Gilbert.

He winked and smiled. 

You smiled back and started working.


You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see Josie smiling eagerly at you.

'Spin the bottle?' she asked, whispering.

You nodded abruptly and took a quick glance at Diana and Anne.

'Are you girls going to join?' you ask excitedly like Josie did.

They looked at each other smiling and nodded as well.

'Why wouldn't we??' 


Lunch started and everyone sat where they did mostly did. The boys on the right and the girls on the left, but this time Josie called the boys and girls to form a circle to start. Ruby skips to you.

'Friends again?' she asked, hoping for an answer.

'Of course!' you answer and hug her tight like you did last time. She hugs you back and both of you sit together, Gilbert in the left corner. You didn't want him to sit next to you as it's less probably you wouldn't kiss him if you spinned the bottle. Billy sat right in front of you, staring deeply into your (colour) eyes.

Josie looked a bit jelous so sat next to you on your right. You rolled your eyes at Anne and she snorted.

'So...let's start! Girls first as always, Ruby, why don't you go first?'

You heard Ruby gulp silently next to you and took the bottle from Josie's hand and placed it on the floor in front of her. She took a glance at Gilbert but then looked back at you. You thought she didn't want to make you jealous, which you didn't easily, so just spinned it, and landed on Moody.

Moody stood up almost immediately and walked towards Ruby. She helped Ruby up and pecked her lips quickly. You saw in the corner of your eye Ruby was blushing slightly,  which surprised you as you thought she was never really attracted to Moody, but this made you think.

'Okay well done! Now you pass it to whoever you want to,' Josie smiled. She looked relieved. Maybe because Ruby didn't kiss Billy..

'Y/n-' she looked at you quickly and passed the bottle to you.

You sighed and took it. All the boys looked like they wanted you to kiss them, especially Gilbert and Billy. They looked at each other frowning and back at you.


You spinned the bottle and got......


Oh no-

You caught Gilbert looking at you, pale as white paper. Billy looked so happy and stood up, eager. You turned to look at Josie again, while she was holding tears. 

'Okay, kiss already!' she stood up angrily at both of you.

You rolled your eyes and both of you where in the middle now. He stroked your cheeks. He then winked at Gilbert and got closer to you-


Billy fell right on the wooden floor on his back. He screamed and started whining. Everyone gasped.

'No one touches my girlfriend!!!' an angry Gilbert pushed you behind him and glared at Billy, showing the middle finger.

'Soulmates' - Gilbert x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now