The strawberry bush

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The sun was shining above little whinging, the sky as blue as the sea. Not even a single cloud could be seen. It was boiling hot and wherever you looked you could see girls and boys lying in the grass fanning themselves with their homemade paper fans or magazines.

Harry wasn't so lucky. He was set to work by the Dursleys, trimming the hedge, mowing the lawn, watering the plants, cleaning the car, washing the windows and anything else you could think of. All the while, his uncle and cousin sat lazily eating icecream while the fan blowed a cool breeze onto their faces.

Harry wished he could be back at Hogwarts were he could learn more about magic and be away from the Dursleys for another year. Sweat dripped down his face and he wiped it way. He was on his hands and knees now, pulling out the weeds and putting them in a black bag ready to be composted. Harry felt a smack on the back of his head and turned around to see his aunt.

"What are you doing?" Petunia said in a shrill voice. She was wearing her apron and holding a wooden spoon which she had hit Harry around the head with.

"Pulling out the weeds, my last job on the afternoon list." Harry told her, pointing at the list.

"That is not a weed! It was my strawberry bush! Vernon, teach this boy a lesson. He clearly doesn't know what happens to boys who disrespect those who put food on the table. "

Harry didn't think it looked much like a bush at all. It was way too small. His thoughts were stopped when Vernon stomped outside - dessert spoon still in his mouth - and dragged Harry by his hair and shoved him in the cupboard under the stairs.

"I didn't do it on puropose!" Harry yelled, only to recieve a punch in the jaw from his uncle. One of his teeth became disloged and he choked on the blood. It tumbled down to the floor.

"Clean up that mess or I will hit you harder next time, freak." Vernon said, slamming the cupboard door and locking it behind him.

Harry was incased by darkness. He tried his best to clean up the blood with an old pillow case but as he couldn't see he didn't know how well he'd cleaned it. Harry was mad that he couldn't use his magic. If he could he knew he'd be able to fight his uncle - even kill him.

Imagine that, Vernon writhing in pain, his screams for mercy being ignored. Blood seeping out of him as he cried and cried. Finally his dead body lifeless and cold.

Harry didn't care if he sounded sadistic. He wanted to make his uncle suffer. And the rest of them for that matter. But he couldn't. He was stuck in an endless cycle of anger and pain. Tears of anger and hurt rolled down Harry's face. He felt so weak not being able to stand up for himself. He wanted to be strong, to have control.

'I just hate it here!' Harry thought, slumping onto his poor excuse for a bed. Harry laid down, staring at nothing. He was really hot and really thirsty. He knew he wouldn't be getting a drink for a little while and tried to fall asleep dispite it being only mid afternoon. All the while, his jaw pounded in pain.


AN - I am sorry the chapter is short today! I had to write from my phone. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter non the less.

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