Kidnapped by a Vampire...Wait! What ?!?! Chapter 8

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Suddenly a letter was sent under the door, I picked it up and read it.

“To Morgan,

I love you too, with all my heart.

I’m sorry to leave you too.

May we meet again


More and more tears exited my eyes.

I had let go of the one person I loved, when he had left, he left with part of me, the most important heart.

2 Months later........

It has been 2 months since I last saw Nate, and another two years this was had gone on.

I have been trained by the best of the best warriors.

I had definatly changed over the years, after that day nothing between me and Tristan had happened, we now barely even talked to each, occasionally when we see each other there may be a hello.

I knew that Tristan was deeply sorry for what he had done, that had destroyed me and Nate, but somewhere deep inside of me I couldn’t forgive him, I don’t know why, I still loved him like a brother but things change, people change.

After time Tristan stopped trying to talk to me and eventually just married Mina, whether he wanted to or not.

After Nate left, I no longer showed any emotion anyone.

Not even my parents, they didn’t know what was wrong with me, no one did.

The only person I really talked to was my mother, she saw how I felt about Nate, but still I could never tell her the whole story, I could not tell her everything that was wrong with me, not like I could with Nate.

The battle between Vampire and wolves was coming to an end, everyone saw that.

I was unbeatable on the battlefield.

After I had released the vampire slaves, things started to get easier, but something happened, I don’t even know what it was, but it changed the relationship between both vampires and wolves back to before.

No one knows what happened, it seemed that a part of a wolf rebellion, didn’t want to live with vampires, they wanted them destroying so decided to pose as the royal werewolf force and attack the vampire royalty.

That was the story I had been told, whether it was different or not, I didn’t know.

I went walking out in the forest reminiscing the old memories I loved.

I walked deep in the middle of the forest.

When all of a sudden a whisper came into my ear saying Run princess, people are coming!

I turned around to see who it was running towards was VAMPIRES!

I began to run, I ran to the direction of the palace, I looked behind and noticed no one was chasing me, I stopped and started to walk back.

That was the mistake I made.

I carried on walking straight until something came out of no-where and hit me on the back of my head, knocking me into the blackness or unconsciousness.

Mystery Vampires POV

We were lucky to be where we were today.

As we walked we sensed a presence, a wolf presence, we began to walk up slowly, until a strong wind came the girl looked behind and saw us, she was beautiful, why she didnt transform, we didn’t know, but she carried on running.

Kidnapped by a Vampire....Wait! What ?!?!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें