dear y/n, love fred

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dear y/n,
hi my sweet darling, i saw you writing your letter to me. i read it. i can hear you and you're not alone. i miss you dearly and there's not a second of every day that i don't think about you. i miss all of you but you're right God did have a plan for me and now i'm up here but i'm not alone. dobby, cedric, lily and james potter, and everyone else is up here keeping me company but definitely not nearly as good as your company my love. i miss your cuddles, your poems, your laugh and eyes, and especially your kisses. do me a favor y/n, tell george that he needs to bring the laughter and happiness back to the weasley family, tell him to get out of bed and re-open the joke shop. tell him to do it for me. let him know that my death is not his fault and give him a big weasley family hug for me. tell harry that his parents are proud of him and that sirius is keeping his promise that one day they will be a proper family, one day. tell ron to propose to hermione already, we all know he loves her more than anything. please tell my mom that i am okay and she doesn't have to worry about me anymore. tell her that lily is so thankful that she watched over harry all of this time and now she is returning the favor by looking after me. tell my lovely ginny that it's okay to cry but not too much because one day i'll see her again and tell her she still has a bunch of other ginger weasley brothers. tell dad to go visit the muggle world! i think it's about time i wrap up my letter love. stay strong and try not to miss me too much, you'll see me again, i promise.
forever and always, to the moon and back, with much love and jokes,

dear fred, love y/nWhere stories live. Discover now