Chapter 1

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"Oh, bloody hell I am so late." I cursed weaving through the endless black robes, tripping along my hem as I raced against the hallway traffic. Potions class started in two minutes and Snape would surely have me cleaning cauldrons for a month if I was late again.

I breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the ominous double doors and started to slow down just as I heard my name being called.

"Vera? Stray? What about her?" Maybe I could manage a few cauldrons because I definitely recognized that voice. It was Darren Alvarado, the fifth year Ravenclaw that had occupied more than a few of my thoughts lately. But who could blame me with his tan, toned body and black curls that dipped dangerously down the nape of his neck. Those honey speckled eyes that crinkled at the edges when he laughed and the full, pink lips seemingly always caught between his teeth.

The brick castle wall scraping against my back brought me out of my swooning. I managed to stop drooling long enough to position myself behind the corner staring at the wide expanse of his back. He was talking with two other fifth years, Slytherins named Jace and Derek. Attractive enough but my latest obsession barely allowed my eyes to stray too far.

"What's with you and that little brown noser? She's following you around like a lost mutt," Jace said, elbowing Derek in the ribs.

"Yeah might wanna put a leash on that."

I could feel my nails leaving crescent mooned scars along my palms. Heat crawled up the sides of my neck but I had to remind myself to wait. Darren hadn't even spoken yet and he'd been so kind to me lately. Always helping me with assignments that I mysteriously lost and making polite conversation when I'd crash into him in the halls. He was slowly becoming a friend and, as much as I'd hope for more, I'd be satisfied if he'd just defend me now.

"Yeah, Stray's been getting on my damn nerves lately. As if I'd go for that annoying, callow fourth-year." Darren held his hands up in surrender and said, "I mean, don't get me wrong though, she's got some nice tits and an okay face but she's got about as much personality as a piece of parchment. Her wand and I have had more lively conversations than we have."

Fresh tears welled up in my eyes as I desperately tried to swallow the lump in the back of my throat. I could barely hear the roar of their laughter over the sound of the blood rushing in my ears.

Jace ran toward Darren and started tugging on his robe sleeve. "Oh Darren please, tell me what happened in Potions again. I have no idea how I managed to get into Ravenclaw but maybe you and I could have a little study group in my dorm later." The high-pitched squeaking died down as Darren pushed him off laughing.

"Yeah right. That was pretty close to how she sounds though. That nails on a chalkboard, grating kind of screech. I'd sooner offer to take private lessons with Snape." He paused before leaning in toward Derek. "Honestly if I hear voice one more time I might just-"

"What?" I'd mustered up all the courage I could and shoved all the humiliation to the back of my mind. Schooling my features into a cool indifference. "You might just what?"

All three boys froze before turning toward me, equal looks of petrified shame mirrored on each of their faces. " I uh, I was just saying that um-" Darren stammered at a complete loss for words. Finally.

"You were just going to tell them once again in another shrewd and unoriginal way that you think I'm annoying, right?" I stuffed my balled fists into my pockets and kept my voice light.

Darren began to step toward me. "Listen, Vera, I'm so sorry. You weren't meant to-"

"Weren't meant to hear that? Well, I did. So there's no use backtracking and apologizing now. You obviously meant it." I took a step closer to him, keeping burning eye contact as he tried to look anywhere but at me. "I'm not even that mad. I'm just genuinely so curious about one thing."

His gaze finally found mine as he shuffled his feet. "About what?"

"How on Earth are you so bloody fucking stupid?" Jace and Derek tried to muffle their laughs as Darren's cheeks burned crimson. "I mean you're in Ravenclaw for fuck's sake. If I bothered you so goddamn much, you truly couldn't think of any other solution besides pretending to tolerate me and suffer in silence. Are you just that stupid?" I watched his mouth open and close repeatedly, probably searching for any retort that wouldn't make him sound like more of an ass than he already was. Impossible.

"Or maybe you're just a coward. You can't even tell an annoying, callow little fourth-year that you don't want to talk to her. God, you make Filch seem like a damn hero." I knew I should've ended it there. Walked away and listened to Jace and Derek howl, laughing at his expense but I couldn't let him think he'd had any power or control over me. Even though he had.

"Did you ever stop to think for a second that I truly needed help? Did you ever set your massively overinflated and undeserved ego aside to ever think maybe the muggle-born Ravenclaw might need a little help balancing knowledge from both worlds because it's not like my parents could teach me as yours did? I never had a crush on you. You were just someone I thought I could trust to not make fun of me when I needed help." Silence filled the space between us as I tried to calm my racing thoughts. "Besides, I don't think my boyfriend would care to think I fancied someone else."

At that, all three heads snapped up, and dread spread in the pit of my stomach. I knew I should've left sooner. "You have a boyfriend?" His face and tone displayed disbelief so patronizing my blood began to boil again.

"Yes, you arse. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for potions." And with that, I spun on my heel and headed back around the corner, but not before throwing one more comment over my shoulder. "Don't worry though, I'll just ask Hermione for help this time."

After rounding the corner, I couldn't hold it in anymore. The wind whipped against my face as I sprinted down the corridor to the nearest bathroom, muffling my sobs against the sleeve of my robes. Salty tears ran down my cheeks in never-ending torrents as I shoved my way into a stall. The only sound being the harsh echo of my own wailing.

How could I be so fucking stupid? I really thought he liked me from what? Our four semi conversations? His indifference to my obvious flirting? And now I've gone and gotten myself into another mess. Fuck.

Oh yeah, I've never had a crush on him. I've only dreamed about him sweeping me off my feet in the great hall four times yesterday. Totally casual. Barely even noticed him really. Now I've just got to magically produce a new boyfriend out of thin air. Perfect.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I drag my damp sleeve underneath my eyes one last time. "I need to find Hermione."

The Fall of Vera Stray (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now