Chapter 9

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I barely slept. The adrenaline had all of my senses on high alert. Every little noise sent me into hyperdrive making me almost tackle Luna when she let out a snore akin to a rocket launch in the middle of our dorm. 

My mind was racing with the thought that they didn't make it in time. I know it was a harmless prank that shouldn't have gotten them in much trouble but with their rap sheet, they are one bad prank away from expulsion. Guilt gnawed at the back of my mind and kept my heartbeat steadily drumming against my rib cage. 

When I finally saw the light peaking through the curtains, I got dressed in a blur. Leaving a note telling the girls I'd meet them at breakfast, I ran down to the Gryffindor common room. Only once I got there did I realize I didn't have the password.

"Don't suppose you'd let a desperate Ravenclaw inside if they promised to be good?"

"If they have the password I might." The Fat Lady in the portrait and I were locked in a staring contest, my eyes pleading and hers unwavering. 

"I don't have the password but I really need to get in. It's an emergency."

"If it was truly an emergency, you'd have a following of at least one Gryffindor or a professor. Now run along. You've interrupted my beauty sleep." In a last-ditch effort to get in, I began banging along the side of the portrait hoping someone was awake and heard me.

Finally, after what felt like hours, a disheveled looking third year still in his pajamas swung the portrait open, muffling the multitude of curses the Fat Lady was spouting. 

"What!?!" I pushed past him with a grateful smile, apologizing as I went.

"I need to see George Weasley. And Fred too I suppose. But mainly George. Would you mind getting them for me?" Batting my lashes at the boy, I tried my best to flirt. He flushed a bright shade of red before nodding and going up the boy's staircase. 

I waited, pacing in front of the fire. Despite its heat, I couldn't keep warm. The icy dread that had spread throughout my veins the longer he took to get them kept me cold.

"Well if it isn't my brilliant girl. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you bright and early angel?" George stood leaning against the doorway of the staircase beaming at me. 

"George!" I leaped across the room and engulfed him in a massive hug. He snaked his arms low around my waist and gently lifted me in the air.  I didn't have time to process any butterflies or the sudden warmth that had washed over me. I was too relieved to do much more than stare at him. He set me back on the ground but was careful not to remove his arms. "Did you guys get back in time? I was so worried. Flitwick didn't look pleased so I assumed he didn't catch you but I could barely sleep I-"

George threw his hand over my mouth as I realized I'd yet to take a breath throughout my little rant.

"Why don't we sit down love? You seem amped up and it's too early for me to match your energy yet." It was then that I took in his current state. I mean, really took it in.

He stood before me in nothing but a cropped Quidditch jersey and pajama bottoms that hung dangerously low on his hips. His lean muscled torso exposed for me to bask in all of its glory. I absentmindedly reached out to start tracing some of the freckles before shoving my hand back in my pocket. I looked up to see him smirking and running a hand through his bedhead. "Like what you see sweetheart?" The low morning gravel to his voice sent a shiver down my spine as I wordlessly made my way to the couch. He followed closely behind me. A little too close.

"I managed to get back to my dorm without getting caught last night. So I'm in the clear. What happened with you two?" He leaned back against the couch and stretched lazily, letting a small yawn pass before turning back to me.

"Thanks to your brilliant advice, we got back before he showed up. And you were right. He was right on our heels and went straight to our dorm first. We just barely beat him there."

"So you didn't get caught. Brilliant, I was sure I'd have to work out a way for us to meet up around your detentions."

"Well, not so fast." He looked down sheepishly at his clasped hands. "Because we were so distracted trying to pretend we'd been in bed all night, we'd forgotten to hide some items that we weren't supposed to have."

"Let me guess. Dungbombs or fireworks?"

"Both." I let a groan slip out as I fell back against the couch. 

"Great. Now, what are we gonna do?"  

"Listen, Stray, I know you're just so desperate to see me any chance you can. I mean you've even got poor Rick knocking down my door at five in the bloody morning, but I'll still be able to meet up afterward. Besides it's only for a week." I sat there chewing on my bottom lip for a second just stewing. If we were gonna make this work and make it to where I didn't fail potions by not studying I needed that time.

"Alright. I'll see you tonight then. I've gotta go study for potions with Luna. Tell Freddie I'm glad you both didn't get expelled." He chuckled and reached over ruffling my hair. George then leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Thank you for last night. You were bloody wicked figuring out everything and saving our arses."

Feeling lightheaded, I stumbled toward the portrait hole. 

"Tapeworm!" I turned around staring at George for the millionth time like he'd grown a second head.

"Excuse me?"

"That's the password for this week, bug." I watched him drag his hand along the hard plane of his torso before meeting his eyes again. My cheeks burning at the knowledge that I'd most certainly been caught staring. "I'm sure you'll be needing it again." And with a final wink, he disappeared back up the stairs leaving me to wonder if he caught me almost drooling over him.

I was just about to leave when Hermione came bounding down the stairs and an idea popped into my head.

"Oh, Mione? Can I ask a favor?"


The rest of the day passed in an anxious blur. I called upon Luna, Artemis, and Ginny to set my surprise in place. It took a little bit of convincing on Artemis's part because we had to get a certain Gryffindor quidditch captain involved, but she eventually said yes after I reminded her I was just trying to prove Darren wrong. That I was fun and just needed some support from my friends. 

Finally, after the last class before dinner, just as the boys were surely making their way to detention with Flitwick, I gathered my troops and set everything in place. 

The boys wouldn't be in detention for long.

The Fall of Vera Stray (George Weasley)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang