Chapter 12

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He sat down beside you, while staring at your mesmerizing side profile as he couldn't help but feel sudden rage by the fact you had a fuckboy bitch as your boyfriend, when it could just be him as your boyfriend.

Of course, he will never ever let this slide by his grasp as he could get to know about the boy and hunt him down, then finally bringing him to his death.

Without you knowing anything, moreover find him suspicious as he could never show his identity at the state you are now, not until he fully have wrapped you around his fingers.

He will gain your trust, and he will make you love him as your eyes will forever be on him and no one else.

Cause the only thing stopping him from getting you fully under him was because of the things that gets in the way.., your friends.

and not only that, there were boys. Of course, he could have chosen to demand the boys to kidnap and kill them in a secluded place and lastly dump them somewhere hidden, but no.

Its a competition he wants, and he will prove every single human being that no one can defeat him with games that difficult to take, and face.

And lastly, he wants to see the people fear him and on their knees while they beg for mercy.

That is how crazy he began, when he saw you.

And he will kill anyone who dare stands his way. And it can either be if they listen or face their death.


you noticed yoongi looking at the floor for too long so you shook him a little as he looked at you with a smile.

" Lets go meet your ex shall we?.", yoongi said out of the blue as i grew confused about his idea.

" you just sai-.", even before i could continue, i was cutted of with him shushing me with those dark eyes of his.

" i know i said forget it, but i change my mind.", yoongi said as he stood up tilting his head asking me to stand up and leave the room with him, just so we can go to his place.

I felt doubtful with the way yoongi acted as he sounded like he, himself wanted to see my ex.

But, i didn't want to jump to my own conclusions cause maybe..just maybe he understand what i felt before, when i told him the story. Maybe he experienced it before and chose to meet up with that person to hear her out.

I shook my thoughts as i decided to maybe just meet up and hear what him and her have to say for themselves, as i stood up walking out the room with yoongi following behind.

yes..bring me to him, he muttered under his breath preventing you from hearing what he said.

As you and him got out of the house, making sure the door is lock and started walking to the place you know he would go, but quickly stopped as you remembered that you need to take the bus, but the bad news was that it was a day off today.

But then yoongi spoke, " lets take the car, my driver will take us to the meetup."

I nodded as the driver opened the door for us as we got in, i told the driver the location and he started driving towards the destination.

- few minutes later -

it was now around 9:30 am, as we arrived at the park were me and him used to go as this was his favorite place to relax.

but, it suddenly clicked you. Both of you went to the park, which you happened to know that it was his place to cool off or relax, but you don't know when he left the letter and it didn't even say anything to when we'll meet nor what time.

You looked at yoongi as he raised his eyebrow at you, and then you said. " We went here, when there wasn't any date nor time placed in the letter. How would we know he would go here?."

You felt stupid with the fact you were so busy thinking whether to meet him and didn't even think about knowing when,where and what time.

But then, you heard a familiar voice from behind you both as you turned around to be greeted with your ex.



this is by far one long chapter. And plus you finally know the name of your ex boyfriend in the book.

which means a new character was known💘

so if you don't remember the characters mentioned; here.

joonwoo - y/n's friend
moonhwa - y/n's friend
hyewon - y/n's friend
minhee - y/n's friend
dylan - y/n's friend
yeji - y/n's friend
hyunwoo - y/n's ex boyfriend
yerim - y/n's ex bestfriend


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