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The next week early Monday morning Destiny prepped her speech in front of the mirror, it wasn't much of a speech but more of a talk with Julie, she was now waiting near her locker, she hummed her words that she had written on a page during the week, Destiny couldn't understand why she was feeling all nervous about talking about the "ghosts" they didn't come back or anything so maybe she wasn't going completely insane.

The brunette curly-haired girl jogged happily, it seemed like she was dancing her way to her place, she was wearing earphones that took her attention away from a boy calling her, Destiny took a deep breath and ready to take a step, but Flynn came in sight, she stopped herself from taking another step, maybe Flynn didn't know what was going on and she didn't want to sound crazy.

"Patience Destiny, walk slowly to them and ask Julie if you can talk in private." Mumbling to herself was a flaw on Destiny, even though she knew people did it, they never mumbled every little decision, they mostly thought it but never said it out loud. The girl knew she needed to work on not speaking to herself, mumble or whisper her thoughts, people could think she was weird.

"Luke and I spent the whole weekend writing songs." Julie's voice became louder and louder as Destiny approached them "Come on, you wanna hear some of them?" She was starting to feel guilty since they were going to have their own private talk.

"Julie," Destiny called out her name, the other girl closed her locker and looked at her "I was wondering if we could talk in private, it's about your band." Her eyes looked briefly at Flynn, she was curious like Julie about what she meant. "I think I know who they are." When she said those words, Julie's eyes widened open.

"Um yeah, can we talk about this after class? I was just going to talk to Flynn about something and" Julie was interrupted by the brunette nodding her head.

"No, yeah, I mean," She cleared her throat and smiled "I can wait, but we should definitely talk about them, it's important." Julie nodded her head and awkwardly walked away with Flynn, who kept looking behind her shoulder and whispered something to her friend.

Destiny stood there for a moment and let out a loud groan, she should've told her she knew, she knew who they were, what they were, but with Flynn being there, how could she know if Flynn knew. Destiny was ready to walk away, go to class, go to her social club, and wait for Julie and talk.

"Des, wait up." The voice of Flynn was heard coming from the music room, the brunette looked up and saw the two girls she was just talking to coming over again to her. "Des, can you help us with something?"

"What are you doing Flynn?" Julie asked, her mouth was slightly opened and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, the same expression was shown in Destiny's face.

"So, you know about Julie and her band, which it's amazing, you two can later talk about them, but for now," Flynn smiled looking from Julie to Destiny "could you help us taking photographs of the band so I could post them on social media? You could be an amazing help, really." Flynn pouted, making her best puppy eyes at her. Destiny looked behind Flynn, seeing Julie's widened eyes, and shrug for her. As much as Destiny wanted to say no since she didn't like feeling used, she wanted to be part of this, actually know this band and why did they look so familiar to her.

"You don't have to do it Des, really, Flynn is just talking nonsense or whatever" Julie waved her off and smiled at the other standing in front of them.

"That sounds amazing actually, I would love to join." Destiny said quickly, she nodded her head and looked back at Julie "If that's okay with you, I mean, promoting you guys on social media would be amazing, people in school are already talking about you."

"That is amazing, cause, we got a gig tonight," Flynn took the flyer from Julie's hands and showed it to Destiny "Its during the school dance, and well, of course you are going to be there taking photos of the event, why not take photos for our social media." Flynn had shown her the Instagram profile she had created Julie and her hologram band, not really a band name, but they at least had a name.

"I think it's okay, also, you wanted to talk, let's talk, classes haven't started yet." Julie took a step forward, Flynn saw that this was her moment to leave and she did, waving both girls goodbye and yelling that they would see them later. "What do you know about them?" Her voice was now a little nervous, Julie was a little scared about what Destiny was about to say.

"I know they aren't holograms Julie," Julie squinted her eyes, as she was trying to understand where this conversation was going "Apparently they are ghosts," Now Julie's eyes widened again "And they came to visit me on Friday asking for my help, well, my mother's help, but they said they were ghosts, not true, since ghosts don't exist, please tell me I imagined everything and that they didn't just appear in my house saying they were ghosts." Destiny was surprised by the amount of times she repeated ghost.

"They did what?" Julie's expression from shocked to anger changed drastically, was Destiny in trouble for what she just said, maybe not, but the fact that Julie didn't say that they weren't ghosts, surprised her more. "Come to my house after school, we all need to talk about what is going on, I thought I was the only one who could see them, but, you can too, why?" Destiny shrugged, she didn't know why. Julie pulled from her backpack a notebook, writing something before ripping the paper off and handed it to her "This is my house address, we will need to talk, and you can come with me to the dance."

Destiny took the paper on her hand, she hadn't been invited to someone's place before, well, out of school related, even though this sort of had relation to it. Destiny was happy to accept, she nodded at Julie and promised to be there, her father would be glad to take her, letting him know she just made a "friend" would be great news for him.

"Are you telling me that they are indeed ghosts? Do you think they are bad ghosts?" Destiny asked the other one, she shook her head in response.

"They are great guys Des, how is it possible that you can see them? That's a mystery, but I can assure you, it's a good reason, I'm still trying to figure out why they came into my life, but they brought me closer to my mom and music." This was the first time Julie had opened to someone else, and she knew that Destiny was a great person to do so. Maybe a friendship between them would beginning, and funny enough, ghosts are the reason behind these bonding.

"That is something so sweet Julie, you have so much talent and these boys, helping you? That's really nice, you gotta thank them a lot." Destiny chuckled at the last words, Julie joining in and nodding her head at her. "I honestly have no idea what's happening here, but hey, I used to have different beliefs, they are making me question everything, and I am not letting this go unsolved."

Ghosts. Well, she had her answer now, but now new questions merge, why now? How was this happening? Why were they asking for her help? And how could she help them if she had never done this before.

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