Where am I!

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It was like every other day for our characters. Aoyama was busy with school and soccer,Levi was getting his squad ready for a mission, Sakusa was practicing serving for a match, and kai was experimenting to find a way to get rid of quirks. Oh and did I mention trying to be as clean as possible. If you couldn't tell these four people like things to be clean as possible and hate contact. Which is pretty hard to deal with on a day to day basis. What they didn't know is that they would have some people to understand there pain very soon.

*Sakusa POV*
I once again served the ball perfectly, nothing unusual. I also still felt a emptiness in my heart, which I still didn't understand why I was feeling this. People usually thought that I was a jerk because I avoided people, wore masks and gloves around them, and often freaked out if they touch me. That isn't my fault though I can't control that I have a phobia! I guess that I must have been really caught up in my thoughts, because before I knew it someone put there hand on my shoulder. My teammates eyes were wide and mouths agape, as some prissy girl put her hand my shoulder as her friends were cheering at her to "Get her man" in the background. I felt a panic attack coming on as pushed her off me, dashed off to the bathroom. Well tried to because as soon as I got outside the gym, I fell in a... portal!

*Aoyama POV*
The bell for the end of 4th period rang, I watched as everyone including the teacher quickly left the room clearly all wanting to go home. Of course I stayed sited waiting for everyone to leave the room, so no one touched me on the the way out accidentally. I wished that people touching me wasn't as big of a deal as it was for me. It's tiring having to worry about getting germs on you every second of the day. What made it even worse is that I had a passion for soccer which made it even harder to avoid people doing the one thing I didn't like. As I was sulking in my mind I walked outside the classroom door,only to be gulped up by this purple circle.

*Levi POV*
I sighed I was already exhausted from these brats, who just happen to be my squad and the mission only started 5 minutes ago. They clearly don't understand personal space, and are all over the place causing a mess. I just want to go back to my office and clean. That always calms me down, but sadly I can't because I'm stuck taking care of these brats. I wished that messes didn't bother me as much as they do, but sadly they annoy me to no end. Just as I was going to stop them from making a even bigger mess I fell down this purple hole.

*Kai/Overhaul POV*
I sighed as I wrote the progress on Eri, I didn't want to hurt her but she is the only way to make the world a better place. "UGH!" I yelled out as I hit my fist on my desk, then why do I feel so bad, I-I'm supposed to be the bad guy! I shouldn't feel regret, the only reason I'm doing this is because of those quirks! They make the world and people a dirty place, they cause more pain then happiness! I'm doing the world a favor, but it feels like I'm doing more bad then good... No! I don't care the world is a dirty place because of quirks and I will fix that! I sighed as I got up to put the progress I wrote on Eri in a file cabinet, but instead got sucked up into a... portal!

*everyone's POV*
Ugh where am I, wait... WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE! They thought as they all looked at each other.

*??? POV*
Now let the show begin, what will happen? A start of friendship or hatred. Can they help each other with there common problem and uncommon problem. Only time will tell...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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