Hospital fears

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3 days till the wedding - you lay in the hospital bed gene lying asleep in a bed the hospital have set up for him . You hate the hospital . It reminds you of when you were little and had to go with your mum all the time to the hospital . The foul stink of death and sadness of illness . You sigh laying back as the nurce comes to check all the mashenes that they have going in and out of you are working and you yelp in pain as she chainhes your drip sticking a needle into your other arm . The sound of you crying wakes gene up "Katie baby girl sushhhh everything is going to be ok " . He wipes your tears and you smile completely forgoing what is happening as he leans down kissing you and the nurce tells you that they will let you out in two days as they have to keep you in for observation and you feel your blood run cold . " t.......that's the day before the wedding . Baby what's going on . " you feel tears forming in your eyes but gene wipes them away " Katie calm down no matter what happens youl still get to walk down the isle with me and we are still going to get married . You smile at him as the nurce takes your lunch order and walks out of the room and brings you in breakfat and un hooks uou from all the mashenes to let you have breakfast and you smile hugging gene right pulling him into the bed and snuggling with him and he laughs " baby we will get into trouble for this . You smile at him snuggling into him not a care in the world as he hugs you back and a piece at a time feeds you your breakfast and you smile completely forgetting about the dress . All you care about is that you get better and that you are in genes arms and he is you's and you are together agen . You feel like you never want to leave him and you can tell he never wants to leave you .

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