I mumbled under my breath.

He nodded politely. As we moved up in the line a fight broke out. I skittishly hid behind Shirou even more, pressing my body against his subconsciously as I felt him grip my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"You're alright, I've got you."
Shirou looked down into my eyes with a soft smile. I felt a tinge of blush creep up onto my face.

I looked around at the fight that had broken out, I could handle myself, but I decided staying near Shirou would be better.

"{Y/N}, I promise I won't let them hurt you."
Shirou looked down at me with loving eyes with a tinge of pink scattered on his cheeks. I couldn't help but smile at him as he picked our intertwined hands up and gave my hand a small kiss on the knuckles as he looked toward the front again.

Michiru looked at me and had a smug look on her face.

I felt my face steam up and buried it into his side. What was this man doing to me? I wondered.

Eventually the three beastman somehow ended up crossing an elderly lady walking back to beastman co-op with five younger beastman.

"Hello, would you like to adopt one of these kids?" She asked, hope glimmering in her eyes as she gestured her hand toward the five kids with different coloured cloaks on. "I promise they're good kids, they need good homes and I don't want to put them in an orphanage." She sighed, crossing over toward one with a red cloak on which immediately caught your eye.

"Who's this little one?" You smiled and bent down to their tiny height. Judging by their posture they looked to be about two years of age.

"This one is Lilly." The elderly lady smiled and pushed the young child's hood off, revealing a beautiful snow-white hair similar to yours, with red tips and golden eyes. The child looked at you with tired eyes, she didn't look very well nourished, making you act on motherly-instinct.

"I'll take her." You decided plainly, opening your arms to the small child to which she gladly ran into your arms.

Shirou and Michiru looked at eachother in awe, how you could make a life-changing decision just like that with such ease.

"Y-Y/N! You can't just take a child without paperwork—!" Shirou argued, a sea of red hues attacking his cheeks.

"I just did." Whipping your head to face him You smirked, Playfully sticking your tongue out at him.

"AWWE SHES SO CUTE Y/N CHAN!~" Michiru cooed in your ear, bubbling with excitement.

The child in your grasp hugged the fabric of your shirt and dug her head into your chest, trying to salvage as much warmth as she possibly could.

"Michiru, not so loud. She's scared.." you whisper-shouted at her— wrapping your arms around to child as though she were your own, placing the hood of her cloak back onto her head you let her snuggle under your trench-coat.

Shirou sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, and then averting his eyes back toward the other four children.

"I'm going to regret this." He growled, bending down toward the other four kids.

"Do you mind if I take their hoods off..?" He looked toward the older woman who shook her head. "Unless you want to adopt them, their cloaks remain on. It's sort of a luck of the draw." She smiled and tapped her foot on the ground.

"Fine then," Shirou scowled, tapping one with a Seafoam green cloak on, to which the woman hummed happily.

((Jesus Shirou this isn't a lucky draw 😑 *author chan shakes her head as she face-palms herself))

"Good choice!" She smiled happily, tearing the child's hood off. Revealing a practically identical child to the one you had, but just a male version, and instead of red tips he had had deadpan green streaks, and as well as the underside of his hair.

He stared at the younger boy in disbelief, finding that his piercing blue eyes looked into the younger boys golden ones with such uttermost care and love.

You found yourself smiling like an idiot as you watched his stoic expression turn into such a soft and loveable one as the two males looked into each others eyes, making your heart skip a beat.
Shirou would be a great dad..

You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you quickly looked away, shaking off those thoughts.

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