"I Dont Need A Tutor! "

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It was a Monday afternoon. Jeongin was in his third period. He hated school. He had a few friends but he still hated it. Jeongin had a problem, he was a little and people would always pick on him for it.

They'd call him names like 'baby' or 'freak'. He tryed not to let them get to him, but he's only human. Jeongins friends helped him though. They helped him with the rude comments and his 'issue'.

Jeongins friend group consisted of Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jisung and his Bestfriend Felix. They were all very important to Jeongin and so was he to them.

Anyways, it was fourth period. The period right after lunch. English. Jeongin wished the day would end because of two reasons. One, he could feel the stares as if they were perfume he was wearing, burnings into the material of his hoodie. Two, he sucked at English, he was honestly,failing the Class he knew it and his teachers knew it too.

"Mr. Yang i would like to see you after class" His teacher said. This caused even more eyes to land on Jeongin. A pair that really caught Jeongins attention. He didnt know the boy and he was really cute, but seems like he was already taken. "Y-yes sir" Jeongin managed to let out before looking back down at his books.

It was the end of the period and Jeongin had to meet the teacher. "Mr. Yang it has come to my attention that you're failing my class, i am a signing you a tutor" Mr. Kim said. "Bu-but sir! I don't need a tutor!" Jeongin whisper shouted. "No, i have decided, Mr. Bang over there will tutor you until the end of year exams". Jeongin slowly turned around met with a smiling Chan... and his clingy girlfriend glaring daggers at Jeongin.

For fuck sake.

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