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i met him when he was 9, i think.

he was a special kid.

he cried all day and cried all night.

whenever he talked to me he had a reddened eyes and eye bags.

he kept a scowl, to hide his deep sadness.

'what type of family was he living in? what type of condition did he endure?', were the questions i asked.

i never looked young, like an elementary kid, i changed so he was comfortable.

one day, i followed him home.

yoon had a mediocre house, living the average life style, but i ignored the odd silence around the house.

he had a cute little brother, 3 or 4 at most.

hae-seong in, was his name, i think.

but when i look at his face, he looked as sad as his brother.

i heard his grandmother was ill and weak, but i never even saw her around the house.

then the sudden noise of a door opening, an old limping woman came in, early 70s.

she was carrying bags, clinging to the frail bones of her arm.

"grandma.. i told you to stay home today.." yoon says, glossy eyes.

yoon goes up to the old lady, taking the bags off of her. the bags full of cardboard box pieces.

she begins coughing, holding on to her cheap silk vest in desperation.

his tears ran and ran until he had no tears to shed.

the second he turned 16, he started working at the local WacDonalds.

he didn't cry, but he didn't show even the slightest of emotion either.

he only cared about people close to him.

i'm not sure, and still not sure to this day if I were one of those people.

but he was the most important person to me, no matter what.

i showed him the multiverses, breaking the laws of the universe.

i showed him a better version of himself.

yet he didn't want it.

one day, showing him the multiverse once again, he disappeared.


he wasn't anywhere, and i felt as if the universe was making me pay for my sin.

after that, i decide to take care of his younger brother.

not interfering with his life until i truly needed to.

he was 12 at the time his brother disappearance.

gloomy and always looked beaten up.

i knew the reasons of this, but i'd never try do anything to stop it.

i've already experienced what you get out of interfering, and i'm not ready to lose another in brother.

for at least the sake of haejoon.

but when he turned 17, hae-seong took his own life.

when he did, my life broke apart once again.

i couldn't save either of the in brothers.

thoughts rushed in, should i have really just interfered with his life in the very beginning?

and maybe this wouldn't have even happened.

he jumped into the han river, but he didn't drown.

yet, this was not my work.

i was not even sure that it was possible to save someone's life like that, even in the almost demigod-like position that i was in.

i decide to take the rest into my own hands, playing along with whatever the universe decided to do.

as long as i could help him, i will deal with the later consequences.

no matter what they are.


hey guyssss

tis me, author jaeeyoon

just tell me how you feel about this sequel + this won't just be crime/mystery & action lol

comedy too cause I like crime-coms

not so sure ab romance, probably at the close end of the sequel

haejoon and x ;)))

[if I end up even saving him BAHA]

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