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pov: either of the three children is gay, preferably athiya and comes out to arsalan sithara.


"Arsalan." I called his name utterly disappointed. "Arsalan." I complained yet again as he did not heed but only blinked his eyes at me in assurance while speaking on his phone.

"Arsalan." I sighed really upset and took hold of the railing because I had forgotten how to walk down the stairs without support. It was tiring, carrying such a heavy body; a body not just mine but my baby's as well. It was the seventh month and I could not even dare promise to myself that my back would survive the extra weight im gonna put up in the last two months of the pregnancy. Sometimes it felt I would die of exhaustion, die of backache, die of lack of air while clutching onto waist after walking down the staris.

Arsalan ran over to me when he noticed I stood midway, gasping for air. He tenderly took hold of my fingers and let me breathe but never hung up the call.

"Arsalan this is no time to come home." I said when he wraped his hand around my waist to walk me back to our bedroom.

"Jaan ample of work." He gave me a short and crisp reply, making me sit on the couch. He knelt down on the floor and pressed my hands, waiting for me to speak again.

"And you wouldn't even bother to take your wife's calls or care to inform what you upto, doesn't matter if she is carrying your baby. She could die but no..money." I put forth overdramatically.

"I don't trust you a bit, you would be with your clients and here I'll die giving birth." Arsalan wasn't with me when I delivered Athiya. He was in Paris for some work and it was terrible to be alone. I literally felt I was living my last when my water broke and the thought of what I went through while pushing Athiya out still scared me.

"I said I'm not leaving you this time." He kissed my knuckles. "Plus I told you to call my secretary or resceptionist in case of a medical emergency." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay, stop. I'm very hungry, starving so.." He passed it on a serious note.

I nodded, giving my drama a backseat immediately. "I ordered. I'll warm and set it up. You can change." We had kept a microwave in the room itself so that I could avoid extra exertion of going up and down, and also to satisfy my cravings.

"Yes, that's alright but do you want me to eat straight up or we do some prayers, rituals?" Arsalan asked me with innocent eyes and realization dawned upon me.

"Arsalan why would you?" I cupped his face, brushing my thumbs over his cheekbones. "You know I tried, I really wanted to fast for you, I stayed hungry and thirsty for so long but then I felt dead. It felt as if the baby would come out of my mouth, my stomach ached, I could feel the baby in pain so I didn't." I explained even when he didn't ask for it. We have had this conversation last night and Arsalan didn't want me to fast.

"You shouldn't have. Wasn't needed." He told me precisely.

"Same. You fasting for me wasn't required Arsalan and it's already past eleven and you have been hungry and thirst all day. Arsalan why? Should have atleast come home early or worked less." I panicked, trying to get up in a jiffy.

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