Poem-: 13 {'A Doll - that she was'}

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A girl was born,
Long lashes,
Eyes so blue,
Like the ocean waters,
Red Roses sitting on the cheeks,
The colour of midnight,
Snowhite skin,
Oh so bright,
Cries so silent,
Obedience in her veins,
Quite a beauty,
They called her a "doll".

I stood right there,
With a frown on my face,
In a dark corner,
Under those shady walls,
Away from those calling her a doll.

The celebration was over,
Then I asked them all,
In a screaming voice,
"Why did they call her that?".

They said- ,
"What,A doll?",
"Oh that she was",
"Look at her beauty,
So graceful and pretty".

The girl was 10,
Kitchen sets gifted,
Barbies and teddies,
Doll houses too.

Few hours after the party,
I saw her in a far corner,
Unknowing of their predatory eyes,
Tucked there, she sat,
Playing with those cups and plate,
Her doll cooking food,
With hair long,
And beauty so perfect.

There I saw,
In that doll house,
On the table,
Someone sitting in a tux,
Holding a book,
Sipping the tea she brewed,
She made her doll,
Enact the act,
Of the perfect wife.

There they stood,
On the other corner,
Those who called her a 'doll',
Appreciating the set up,
The doll house,
Well managed,
So clean and great.

Then on the stage,
A puppet show begun,
All the strings in their hands,
With this they lured,
That girl so small.

Called upon the stage,
With the spotlight on her,
She got fascinated,
And thus with so much ease,
Went falling right into their trap.

That day they welcomed her,
In their evil world,
Gave her a tiara,
In exchange for her strings,
Being tied to their fingers,
They called her a princess,

And a puppet doll,
Behind her back,
She heard it all,
But didn't defy at all.

Then I heard someone,
Saying to her,
"Will you be a doll?,
And go stand by that wall."
They stood there appreciating,
The masterpiece they made,
With the fire extinguished,
Wildness tamed,
And the soul buried.

I heard them whispering,
"What a perfect puppet doll,
She would be."
So I asked them,
"Why did they call her that?",
To which they replied-
"A perfect puppet doll?",
"Oh that, we would make her",
"Look at her wings,
All tattered and clipped,
Look at her soul,
So long buried,
Look at those chains,
So tight and mighty.

I was there again,
Heard them applauding,
For that glamorous beauty,
Exquisite jewels,
And elegant dress.

"She is a barbie doll"
I heard them call,
When she left the place,
I went there again,
And asked them all,
"Why did they call her that?",
To which they replied-
"A barbie doll?",
"Oh that she was!".

"Look at her feet so small,
Her legs so long,
Her hair,that of rupunzel,
Her beauty like the forever spring,
Never experiencing it's autumn,
Fragrance, of the roses,
A waist of 32,
A weight quite ideal,
And a height worth praising.

With this I pressed the rewind.

9/9/09 again,
The sun was there,
Shining bright,
They woke up from their dream.

I announced,
That a girl was born,
They came rushing,
Surrounding me,
Asked the question,
I most awaited,
"A doll she was ?,
A doll she will be?,
They craved the affirmation,
I saw it in their eyes,
Gleaming with those expectations,
So assertive and strong,
So I replied,
"A doll?
Oh that she never will be,
And never was."

They stood there looking broken,
All flagbastered and nervous,
Swearing to right the wrong,
And carve her into a 'doll'.

So I exclaimed,
You are a little late,
I met her first,
Bad for you,
I whispered in her ear,
The necessary enchants,
Oh and just gave her wings too,
The eternal spring wings.

With this I said my parting words,
"She is a butterfly,
Just out of the cocoon,
Fluttering it's wings,
And bringing in tornados."

Without a word more,
I cracked a sheepish smile,
And walked away with pride,
Vanishing away,
With that mysterious mist.

My work was all set and done,
Loopholes left none,
All their efforts going in vain,
And now was the time,
To live my life again.

Word count -: 712
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Much love♥♡♥

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