CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.

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"Where is she?! WHERE IS THAT GIRL!!!" He demanded as he floated over the boys. "I want to speak with her this instant!"

"Koenma sir." Botan called, surprised by the sudden outburst. However, Yusuke's face turned red with anger as soon as his eyes settled on his boss while his ears caught every single word that came from his lips. The brother figure shot up from his seat and marched over Koenma, grabbing him by the collar, aggressively.

"Yusuke!" Kurama tried to warn him, but it fell into deaf ears.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?! Unhand me at once-!" Koenma asked furiously, but once he saw the murderous look on the Spirit Detective, his whole face lost every colour that was on it.

"I can ask you the same question when you had placed us in this damn mess, Toddles Bitch!?!" Yusuke yelled in the baby's face who shrunk deeper into his clothes while taking a hard swallow down his throat. "Do you have any idea what Miyu had to go through because of that stupid bastard?!"

"Well, not really, eheheh. But hey, you did defeat him in the end, right?" Koenma pointed out in a stutter as he tried to save himself from his Spirit Detective's wrath. Sadly, his choice of words just angered the moody teen boy even more. Before Yusuke can unleash his inner demon, the fury, a nurse came out. Immediately everyone got on their feet.

"How is she?" Kurama didn't hesitate to ask while Yusuke let go of the young prince who flew further away from his chosen Spirit Detective.

"It might take a while, but she will make a full recovery." The nurse informed the group. "However, the injury on her right eye are irreversible."

"What does that suppose to mean?" Yusuke asked rudely, still angry and impatient.

"I-it means that s-she won't be able to see with it." The nurse replied a little nervously as she sensed the overprotective brother's aura.

"What?" Yusuke breathed out as his face softened up along with the others.

"Oh dear. . . " Botan sadly added as she brought one hand up close to her lips.

"And the burn marks?" The redhead questioned, adding more concerns on his pile. Hiei was also worried for sure.

"Ruby is still working on them at the moment." The woman replied. "They might leave permanent marks on the skin but either way, it's a miracle that she even survived all of this. Including the Flame of the Light Phoenix. "At that, everyone's head snapped at the newfound information with curiosity and confusion in their widened eyes.

"If she kept on using it she would have been burned into crisp-" "Wait-wait-wait hold the phone lady!" Yusuke cuts in as he waved his hands in a motion to stop the nurse from talking any further. "What's with this Phoenix thing again? And does this have to do with Miyuki here? Does anything you say even make sense?"

The redheaded demon boy placed a hand on his friend's shoulder to stop him from asking more questions.

"Can we see them?" Kurama politely asked. "The girls I mean." In reply, the woman nodded her head.

"Follow me." She softly said before walking into the hall again, with everyone right behind her trail. In the said room, the water glowed between Ruby's fingers as she was moving her hands up and down on her friend's injury. Most of them were thankfully in a somewhat better shape, but the very one mark that was on Miyuky's shoulder turned out to be a real challenge for the young healer figure.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum