• December 6 •

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"What-no, no, no, it's not" He replied quickly as everyone chuckled at his reaction.

"Sure your not Pads"

Throughout the whole morning, you all spent your time wondering through the Christmas carnival that was happening on the same day. Tuwaine soon came after, running a little late as he too, didn't wake up on his alarm. But despite that you, informed him the location and soon enough he arrived with a gushy smile, just by knowing he gets to spend the day with his friends.

There were so many food stalls which was where a lot of you were mostly located. You just couldn't resist the delicious fresh hot chocolate and the candy cane shaped eclairs paired with a mint chocolate dip. Now that's something you need to add to your cook book.

There were also a few rides one of them being the obnoxiously large carousel which all of you except Nikki and Dom took a ride on. As the carousel stopped, Nikki took a picture of you all, laughing and enjoying yourself as she smiled, feeling proud of capturing that memory.

During the afternoon, you went to another street carnival but this one was way different. It focused more on the big Christmas tree in the middle with a bunch of lights and christmas decorations around the shops. There was also a restaurant near an ice skating rink which was where you all decided to settle and use as a meeting point as dinner was going to be the last event to end the day. Nikki and Dom had met up with their friends as Harry, Sam, Harrison and Tuwaine joined Paddy on his little adventure around the place.

"Hey Pads can you hold my keys for a second" You asked Paddy before they were able to leave. He was the closest person to you at that moment so it was easier to hand yours keys to him.

You fiddled around the waistbands of your jeans as the tag kept scratching your skin. It had been bothering you the whole day and you wished you hadn't wore those specific jeans for today.

Paddy had ran off with Tuwaine, Harry, Harrison and Sam as they saw a giant gumball machine with loads of people standing around it. You hadnt even realised that he ran off with your keys but even if you noticed, you wouldn't mind because you trusted him.

That naturally left it with you and Tom. He was more than willing to spend time with you anywhere despite it being his brother's birthday.

"Where should we go boss?" You asked as you glanced at Tom, wondering around the big Christmas tree.

"I dont know," He shrugged. "Lets just walk around for a bit and see what we find yea?" Tom offered and you gladly nodded, more than okay to spend time with him.

You had visited a couple shops, not necessarily being able to find anything to buy but just to look around for the fun of it.

There was one thing though that caught your eye in one of the shops. It was a snowglobe, just a little too big for your hands. It had a Christmas tree in the middle and and a boy and a girl facing it.

The most bizzare part was, that the figures resembled you and Tom so much that it shocked you both. The faces weren't exactly clear but the figures basically had your curves, Tom's jawline and even both your postures. You wanted to buy it but it costed a lot of money that was too unnecessary for a snowglobe.

You stared at it from outside the window of the shop, Tom noticing how you were in such an intense gaze and before he was able to speak up, you interrupted.

"Come on, let's go" You declared, beginning to turn to walk away but before you could, Tom grabbed your hand gently.

"Wait, just stay here, I'll umm...I want to have a look at something" He said.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now