Colds, Cat-naps, and Creeveys'

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Waking up with a groan, I let out a yawn and peered around the room. I could see the sun was already up. Hermione's side of the room was cleaned up and all her stuff was already gone. Curiously I looked up to the clock in the middle of the room and it was already 9:30am. I slept in for the first time in forever.

I quickly jumped up and went over to the desk where I placed my clothes last night. However, there was a plate with strawberry waffles on it and a glass of pumpkin juice next to it. A note in front said, 'The first of many apologies.'

I bit my lip to contain my smile and let out a chuckle. I figured I had a few minutes to eat, I grabbed the food and heading back to bed for a scrumptious breakfast in bed.

I got almost halfway through when Anya and Ginny barged in.

"Wakey-wakey not-so-beautiful-lady!" Anya teasingly sang.

"Oi!" I laughed before letting out a cough.

"Oof, you're sounding rough. Are you feeling, okay?"

"Just a little tired." I croaked out and Ginny crossed over and felt my forehead.

"You're burning up!" She exclaimed.

"That's for the update mum, I didn't notice." I muttered sarcastically.

"Someone is a cranky sick person..." Anya laughed and I just glared at her.

They helped me get up and into my uniform, I didn't want to have to change again on the train. Heading down to the main level I saw my trunk next to all the others and I was grateful that the twins brought it down.

I let out another cough and sank down onto the couch and waited for everyone else. I could overhear some commotion coming from the kitchen. It sounded like Mr. Diggory and Mr. Weasley were discussing a break in at someone's house. I couldn't catch whose house, but I did see Mr. Weasley run by me out the front door shouting his goodbyes and apologizing for not seeing us off.

I passed back out on the couch and came to when Ginny and Anya made me get up and walk to the muggle taxis sitting outside. I was squished in between them and they were squished between Charlie and Bill who wanted to see us off. The nice vibration from the car and the pitter-patter of the rain helped me fall back asleep.

I was ripped from my sleep by Ginny shaking me awake. I groggily made my way to the carriage and waved everyone off, Ginny helped me into a compartment before going to say a proper goodbye to everyone. I laid down and tried to keep from shivering, but it didn't help that I got soaked from the walk through the barrier.

Before I knew it Ginny and Anya came back, and were also shivering from their soaked clothes. We quickly changed into dry clothes and I laid down on one side of the compartment while Ginny and Anya took the other.

Less than 10 minutes later Neville came in followed by Colin and another boy. I instantly recognized him from all of Colin's photos. The Creeves' squeezed in by Ginny and Anya came over to my side. I used her lap as my pillow and Neville was nice enough to let me rest my feet on his lap.

I tried to stay awake long enough to talk about everyone's holidays. Neville had gotten a plant for his birthday and was overjoyed to show us all. Since Anya, Ginny, and Colin were now third years they could go to Hogsmeade and we talked about that for a while.

I must have passed out again because next thing I knew the train was stopping and it was dark out. My body was so sore and my head was pounding. It didn't help that it was still pouring out, we all said goodbye to Dennis who was crossing the lake.

Taking the carriages up, I felt pity for Dennis he would be crossing the lake in this downpour. As soon as the carriage stopped, we all made a mad dash for the front door. As we walked through, I felt a sense of relief, I could finally dry off.

Toujours Pur: Goblet of DeathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant