We met offline~ Short x

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Author pov:

Kaydence and Tucker were hanging out at the coffee shop waiting for Angela, Hayden and ..sadly.. Reid. He is Angela's new boyfriend. Tucker laughed at this picture Kaydence showed him. Its was of him frozen at a bad time, edited to look like he was shooting Kaydence while Angela was laughing and clapping and Hayden was saying no, wtf, stop. It was about 5 minutes before Hayden showed up. Kaydence texted Angela to not head to the hang out spot but to go to a different one, hidden and near with Reid and her. Kaydence exused herself from the table. Not moments later hearing Hayden yell "I LOVE YOU! AH! I'M SO SORRY!" And basically run off into no where like the main character. Kaydence rolled her eyes, ready to play 3rd wheel between Hayden and Tucker, and Angela and Reid.

Kaydence's pov:

"WHAT THE HELL HAYDEN!" I thought. "What this man crazy?!" I walked over to Tucker. Okay my man, I can cope you through this or help Hayden. I point in the first where Hayden ran off. "H-h-he-elp Ha-Hayden.." Tucker says with a blushing face. "Okay, Reid and Angela will be here soon." I pat his back and run off, texting Hayden.



I turn around to see Hayden sitting on an old man, probably thought it was a statue. "Alright, we are heading back there and you are going to tell him how you feel. Okay?" I say to Hayden dragged him like a little kid. "FINE, JUST- JUST- JUST DON'T HOLD MY HAND!" "NO, YOU'LL RUN AWAY! YOU MADE THIS FATE" I yell back at him.

Angela's pov:

What happened here? I- I turn to look at Reid. He looks at me confused. I shrug. I hear Kaydence yelling in the distance. "WAIT, I GOT THE DUMBASS!" What- I squeeze Reids hand hard enough that he winces and hold my hand with both hands.

Author pov:

"OKAY HAYDEN YOU TELL HIM!" "WHY ME?!" Kaydence and Hayden argue over who confesses for Hayden. Tucker bundles up his annoyance. "I ALREADY KNOW HE LIKES ME AND I LIKE HIM TOO! NOW WILL YOU SHUT UP AND LET ME KISS HIM!?" Tucker yells. "What" all four of them say in surprise. Hayden smiles and walks up to Tucker, gives him a huge hug and they stare at eachother for a while. "Gross.." Kaydence says. "Awww!!" Angela replies ignoring her. "Uh, didn't know you were gay Tucker, its whatever." Reid states. Everyone laughs and kisses their lover. Expect Kaydence. Who doesn't have a lover. :)

Hi, yes its Author. I dont need a lover thank you very much. :) good day. Imma make a AngelaxReid someday too. I can make oneshots with *insert person*xyou ;) just ask.

That's Gay//Tucker x HaydenWhere stories live. Discover now