chapter 15

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Tris POV:

It has been Hours since Eric got here, Marcuse and Eric have been busy talking about something, I couldn't hear them though because they left and went into a different room. At that moment, Marcuse enters the room. "Hello, sweetheart. It seems our plans have been changed, you get to stay here a little longer." He says with a cruel smile. I struggle in my char as he steps ford unlooping his belt, then stops. "Eric! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE" he shouts over his shoulder. Eric comes bolting through the door, "WHAT!" He yells. He sees me still tied I'm my char and rolls his eyes. "I wondered if you would like to have a little taste of revenge?" He smirks as Eric, and he replies slyly with "why yes." He steps ford and rolls up his sleeves. Oh no. "you, stiff, have crossed me a lot of trouble." My eyes widen. This won't be good. Eric viciously punches me in the jaw. My vision goes blurry from the impacts. He kicks me in the leg, were some of the lashings Marcuse gave me where and I yell out in pain. "Had enough stiff" Eric teases. I just glare at him. I remember I have to 'fake pares out', this could be my opportunity. Eric laughs "do you honestly think anyone is coming to save you? Your scary boyfriend isn't coming, and no one ells is." I stay silent. "Oh, come on now stiff" he punches me again "put up a fight" an uppercut to the stomach. I lurch ford and let my head lull a bit. "So you have had enough?" He asks mockingly. I lift my head up heavily, putting on the front that I have not more energy in me; when really I have adrenaline pumping through my blood and could carry a mountain. I glare as him and he slaps me. Hard. "This is for- " I cut him off by blocking him out. I don't want to listen anymore. I think about Tobias. I can't leave him! I have to survive this, for him. I think about my mother. I think about how much I miss her. I think about my friends. I think about all the good times we had. I have to do this for him. The thought is so strong it becomes a chant in my head. For him. For him. For him. It gets louder and louder. Tobias. For Tobias. For him. For Tobias. I let my eyelids close and my body goes limp. I hear Eric "well your no fun" he snarls with sarcastic sadness in his voice. I hear footsteps leaving the room, I start to drift off into sleep, I let myself fall into its arms, I need rest if I'm going to pull this off.

I'm standing in a dark room, I see an empty recliner char on one side of the room, like the one used in the fear simulation and aptitude test. On the other side of the room is my mother. "You have to do this," she says calmly 'for him. He can't live without you" he Finishes. I look over at there car again, but this time Tobias is in it. "TOBIAS!" I yell, I go to run to him but my feet are stuck in place. He shifts his head to face me and in almost a whisper "Tris?" My heart drops. He looks like hell, he has buses all over his face and he has wires and tubes connected to him everywhere "Tobias" now it's my turn to whisper. A single tear traces down my face. "GO!" My mother yells from behind me, but when I turn around she's not there. I turn back to Tobias "it's ok. I love you. Just hold on a little bit longer ok. I'm almost there" then I sprint for the door on the other side of the door

My eyes snap open I look around the room. No ones here, I look at all the corners and places cameras might be. I see one to my left in the corner of the roof. Its red light isn't on so it's not recording. Good. I quickly untie my hands, and then my feet. They have rope marks on them from how tight they were. 'That's going to leave a bruise'

I stand up, pain shoots up my back but I ignore it. I run to the door silently and open it slowly. It leads t some stares that going up. I run up them and enter into a living area. I look around and see Eric crashing on the couch. He's snoring and is out cold. I don't see Marcuse anywhere. He must be asleep. I run to the door. And surprisingly, it's not locked idiots. I run out the door and down the street. I was right. I am in the abnegation sector. I run out of it and into the Factionless zone. I look around. It's the dead of night and there are no lights anywhere. But I can hear the train in the distance. There should be a station maybe about a block from here. I run to the station just in time to see the train's headlights. It starts to slow down, but not by much, and I jump on.

I ride the train until I see Erudite Head Quarters. Even though the city rules clearly says you're not supposed to have electricity on after midnight, to save power and energy. But erudite always have their lights on for all the people that are reading, so it stands out like a shining light beacon for all to see. I jump off the train and start to run. I get about half a block away before I get to erudite. There are some erudite guards standing out in front of the doors. Perfect. I see one go down an ally way, and I silently follow, not wanting to get court. I creep down the ally and the gaud turns a corner. I follow, I soon catch up to him. He's patrolling the block I think, but not for much longer, as I'm following, I grab a scrap piece of wood, that looks heavy. I pick it up and creep a little further towards the man. I wack the man over the head, knocking him out; he falls to the floor silently. I thought that only happened in movies?! I think, astonished. I quickly 'borrow' his uniform, leaving him stranded in his boxers. I quickly and quietly change, throwing my clothes in a trash can, so no one can trace it back to me. I grab his gun and walk back around the corner. keeping my head down, I walk through the door. I walk with purpose to the front desk, as I've discovered if you're trying to sneak around, don't act so sneaky, people will presume you're just doing something normal and not, in this case, trying to save the love of your life from Jeanine Mathews and her horrible testing.

I walk up to the front desk and say "I'm looking for Jeanine Mathews science lab - could you point me in the right direction please" 'I hope this works' "she doesn't have a 'science lab, but she does have her latest experiment, I can direct you to that If that would be of any help?" The lady behind the desk says "yes that would be great thank you" I say. She stands up and leads me to the elevator. We don't talk the whole time, and all my senses are on high alert. I keep my eye on the floor number to make sure I know which level I'm on.






The door opens to a brightly light corridor with doors on every wall. "This way," she says, bored out of her mind. She Leeds me to a door that reads '64' "thank you" she nods and walks away. I star at the door, bracing myself for what lies on the other side. Breath in... breath out I tell myself. "AGGGGHHHHHHHHH" I hear someone scream. Tobias. I Burst through the door, holding up my gun. I look over to the centre of the room, Tobias is staring at something on the ceiling, his eyes widen and his back arches, tears streaming down his face. What have they done to him, he lets out another sound of utter terror and pain, "AGHHHHHHH! NO DON'T HER! YOU CAN KILL ME, TORCHER ME, RUEN ME, BUT PLEASE! DON'T TOUCH HER!" He yells at the top of his lungs. I'm filled with rage, what have they done to him! I look around the room, glaring death at everyone I see. "WERE IS JEANINE!" I yell in the most intimidating voice I can muster. "O-o-over th-th-there" one of them musters. "RIGHT, ALL OF YOU! GO STAND IN THAT CORNER!" I yell pointing to a corner with nothing in reach for a meter around it. They all shuffle over "NOW! IF ANY OF YOU TRY TO FIGHT BACK, FURT HIM, OR ME I WILL SHOOT YOU! And do you want that" they all shake their heads "good" I storm towards the door, where they said Jeanine was, I kick it open, and shore enough Jeanine is standing there, hunched over a screen laughing. "You" I growl. She spins around in shock. I have the gun aimed at her head "turn it off" I say, "well, well, well, Beatrice. I never expected YOU to get out of that hell hole." She states crudely. "Well, you guessed wrong. Now, shut. It . down." I say sternly. "I can't do that just yet. I haven't gotten all the information I need" here eyes filled with a longing for knowledge. I click the built into place "no. You don't understand. I am willing to kill whoever hurt him and we both know that was you. I will not hesitate" menacingly I take a step ford. She gulps. "Y-you know There's always another way around this!" She adds franticly. pathetic. "And that way, is by shutting it down whatever you put Tobias on," I state, letting my rage seep into my words. "Y-yes... of cores" she stutters, she stands up slowly and walks towards the door. I walk out the door first with my gun still pointing at her. 

"Any funny business, and it's game over for you. Got it?!" I mutter in her ear. she looks terrified. good. 

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