Story time!

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Actually there is no story, ok bye-

........ You want to hear the story don't you?

I guess I can tell the story, a personal story.....

There is a person I fear a lot. The thought of her sends shivers to my soul. She was the scariest, short temper person I ever met. She has terrorized everyone nearby, even adults were wary of her.
This person was........

My sixth grade teacher-
She is smaller than me when I had her as a teacher. But don't let her size fool you, she can snap your neck in a second- probably-
Anyways, she was one of the rudest teacher in elementary. (Not the #1 worst teacher I ever met, that title goes to a teacher that their teaching license got taken away because she did some pretty bad things like locking misbehaving kids in the closet and going to school slightly intoxicated-)  My teacher had all of my classmates in fear since her temper is very short. Whenever we asked a question she will tell at us saying that we can find the answer ourselves using the books she provided. Her books were in front of the classroom and when a student gets up to get the book she will yell at them because they got up without permission. It was just a nightmare.
She also had this system where we had to pay rent for our desk (with fake money of course, that we earn by doing specific tasks) and if we didn't pay up she would take away our desk privileges or in other words we won't have a desk to put our stuff nor a seat for a whole month.
I also remember that she has favorites in her class. She really liked this one boy and girl (she was a friend of mine). She always says stuff like, "why don't you guys be more like this guy? You should follow his example" The teacher has never yelled at them! Like how she yells at everyone else!
I don't personally hated the two favorite students of the teacher but the boy got a little too confident and bragged a lot. It got worst when he became the school's president.
There was also another time where I was trying to figure out a math problem and didn't knew how. I looked through the books and found nothing. I asked my friend (the teacher's favorite {girl}) she didn't knew the answer either. Then we asked the teacher's #1 favorite student and he also didn't knew how to answer the question. So I asked the teacher about it and she yelled at me saying I can figure it out by myself. But when her favorite asked she helped him and then let him explain how to do the problem to the class. She said that thanks to him, she was able to see how difficult the problem was so he helped her see that. I couldn't believe she did that. I asked her for help but she ignores but when he asks for help she helps him!? That's not fair! But I guess I couldn't do anything

Then there was this one day...... The day my teacher made me cry in class. My classmates were playing around during class. They had these sticky notes with roles to play (ex: teacher, mom, son, artist, football player, etc). They invited me to play but I said no because I wanted to finish my work. They didn't listen and gave me a sticky note with the words artist. I just placed the sticky note on my desk while they had it on their chest or shoulders. The teacher saw this and yelled at us. She told that everyone that was involved has to put their name on the wall in front of everyone, to show that their going to stay after school. All of my classmates that where playing around went to put their name in the wall. I didn't because I wasn't part of it. But the teacher saw the sticky note on my desk and told that I also had to put my name on the board. I tried to explain that I took no part of the little game but she didn't listen and yelled at me at a much louder voice that ever before. I was forced to put my name on the wall, and Im one of those people that hated and feared getting in trouble. My little sixth grade self couldn't handle the thought that I got in trouble, I have to stay after school for something I didn't do. I just quietly started sobbing in class. My friend, girl that was one of my teacher's favorite, tried to comfort me since we were partners. The teacher on the other hand rolled her eyes and said that I should stop crying because it was my fault I got in trouble in the first place and that I have to act like a "big girl" because "Im going to be a middle school student". That just made me feel more sad and everyone in class felt bad for me. That included the school bully surprisingly-

But I just fear my teacher for those reasons. She just destroyed the little self-confidence I had. She made me feel that mistakes are bad, that I should act like a older responsible person. That crying is bad and only children do it. She just crushed me....... She made me fear everything even more that I already was.

Guess who cried in the middle of writing this-

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