As I made my way toward my next class, Defence against the dark arts, I found a perfect opportunity to start taking action on my plan. Just like fate, there was Victim crumb, his usual scowl deepened in confusion as he hug a piece of paper over his face. The herd of girls trailing behind him, which he rolled his eyes to.
"Lost?" I tapped his shoulder. His dark eyes scanned mine, looking me up and down. They softened realising I wasn't some needy girl. He simply nodded his head, revealing his map.
"Potions?" His voice was deep, thick with an accent. "I think I've walked past it a hundred times." He huffed the irritation clear in his voice. The boy wasn't a smart as you'd think.
"You're right." I pointed to the door, I'd just walked out of. "I'd warn you about Snape, can be a bit sour." I thought I'd add a friendly gesture and it seemed to work. He smiled at me and gave me a quick nod to thank me, then stomped into the room. Heavy footed, I took note. I was surprised, not only was he not the most pleasant to look at but his conversation seemed bare, bland. I couldn't quite understand what all the fuss was about. His brows were too thick, his nose resembled more of a beak and his skin sallow, off putting. Maybe it was just the fame that captured the females attention, how shallow. But I was impressed that I had made my first connection it was easier than I thought, the task in hand proved to be more difficult with him not being as approachable but I felt like it would work in my favour seen as though Hermione was completely over powering. I felt like that would work well. Not that I hoped for them to have some amazing, loving relationship, but he'd have to not hate her like the rest of us to take her to the ball. I arrived in class with a smirk on my face, making sure I gave Pansy a mocking glow. Her eyes caught mine, her brows deepened in confusion. That would drive her insane for the rest of the class.

"Alistor Moody." A voice called, snapping both our attention away. What the hell is that on his face? "Ex Auror." Wait I do know who that is. He's the reason Azkaban has souls to feed upon. I thought I would have recognised him, maybe I did maybe it was the shock of his ghastly appearance. The man could do with a bath. The words that's pierced through his chapped lips were muted, my attention was on his one mad eye that was darting from student to student.
"When it comes to the dark arts I believe in a more practical approach." He slivered. About time, a teacher who was actually going to let us practise. "But first which of you can tell me, how many unforgivable curses there are?" Before he even had a chance to breathe the last syllable.
"Three Sir." Miss Granger piped up. I had forgotten how irritable her voice was. I slouched back into my chair, ready for the Hermione show.
"And they are so named." The chalk slashed against the blackboard making my ears twitch at the piercing sound.
"Because they are unforgivable." Her voice cracked. I took a quick glance, surprised to see she was actually pained by the topic. If it bothered her so much, why answer the questions? I know because the girl doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. Filthy little mudblood. "The use of any one of them will-"
"Earn you a ticket a one way ticket in to Azkaban. Correct." Then the eye was scanning us again, creepy that thing. "The ministry think you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different!" He barked. I couldn't help but rub my hands together, this would be exciting. "You need to know what your up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underneath of your table Mr Finnigan." Idiot. Nothings escaping that eye. The man moved like a mad man throwing a pencil straight for Finnigans head. I think I liked him, either liked or hated, I couldn't decide.
"So which curse shall we see first?" There was an evil depth in his voice, not what you'd imagine from an Auror. He wasn't anything like he'd been described. "Weasley!" Everyone jumped out their seats from the boom in his voice. But the look on Rons face was un forgettable, I had to forbidden myself not to laugh.
Weasly looked up at him clueless, scared like a child. The words struggled to leave his mouth. "Well my dad did tell me about one. The imperious curse." He barely managed to make eye contact with moody. Moody shot back off, limping to the front of the class again. He pulled out a glass jar, with a rotten creature inside. Enlarging the thing and then cursing it, he demanded it to bounce across the room, scaring everyone out of their seats. I allowed myself to laugh, but was immediately punished by the foul thing crawling across my face. The screams came involuntary and so did the embarrassment shortly after. I scowled at Moody, I officially didn't like him after that stunt.
"What shall I have her do next?" He asked flinging the thing towards the window. Thankfully the furthest away from me. "Jump out the window?" The whole class went silent, no more laughter in the room. "Drown herself?" The thing squealed for its life. Repulsed I looked away. "Witches and wizards claimed that they did you know who's bidding under the influence of the imperious curse." Ha what a good excuse. Then his eyes flicked back to mine. "How do we sort out the liars." I stared at the crazy old man back, if he wanted to play that game I'd be happy to take part.
"Another." His attention shifted from me. "Longbottom is it?" Neville looked shy as usual, his eyes staring down at the floor.
"There's the erm-" he stumbled. "Cruciatus curse."
"Correct! Correct!" He enthused. "Come, come." I watched closely as he pulled Longbottom forward, placing the creature on the desk. "The torture curse, Crucio!" Instantly my ears was flooded with the screaming of the thing. So high pitched it nearly burst my ear drums. But the look on Nevilles face, watching it lurch in pain uncontrollably, it seemed to have a worse affect on him. Everyone's attention automatically drifted from the cursed creature to Nevilles whimpering face.
"Stop can't you see it's bothering him!" Hermione screeched. I no longer felt sorry for Longbottom, a pang of anger hit as soon as Granger spoke. I wished she'd just shut up. How the hell was I going to manage making anyone falling in love with her. She's the most annoying girl I've ever met.
Mad eye, placed the thing in front of Miss Granger, I knew what was coming next. She deserved to deliver the final course, maybe it will teach her not to speak out when un welcomed.
"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Granger." She quickly shook her head. I knew she wouldn't. Too weak willed. But Moody didn't hold back. "Avada Kedavra!" A flash of green and the thing was non existent, gone. I had never seen the curse performed before, I thought I'd have enjoyed it but really it made me feel sick to my stomach. Unable to look at it for any longer, my eyes scanned the room to grab my attention on something else. Of course I caught on to her. Blair looked pained, she flicked away the tear that began rolling down her cheek. I knew something like that would be too much for her, a part of me wanted to comfort her, the other wanted to tell her to get a grip. But she was precious in that way, not weak like Granger, she only saw the world in a light way, a fairytale. It was soon to come crashing down.

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