chap. 36 || thunder

Comenzar desde el principio

"Do you two want me to help?" Akaashi questions with concern. You looked at Teshiro all puppy eyed but this male didn't notice you at all. "It's fine. Me and L/n dragged you into this mess anyways, so you can go ahead now. Also, thank you for helping me and L/n." Teshiro says as he bows towards Akaashi.

You were screaming inside the entire time. 'I WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT AKAASHI!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU LET HIM STAY???'

"Oh is that so? I'll see you two around, then later after practice. Be careful next time, ok?" Akaashi reminded the both of you with you two returning with a nod in response before running out completely in the school hallway.

You and Teshiro decided to take separate ways to try and look for the injured cat who escaped the infirmary. Teshiro took the left, and you took the right route of the hallway, trying your best to look for the cat until something bad might happen. Like last time.

It felt like forever just by looking for the cat. And you grew even more worried because you couldn't just leave that poor creature alone, wandering around the school with an injured leg. Badly, it might be fractured.

You sighed. You were already standing on top of the 3rd floor but still no progress in finding the cat. It was impossible. The cat might've also ran away while you three were pushing the shelf back up. And here you are starting to think it was your fault.

Heading back down to the infirmary to see if Teshiro was back there, waiting for you like as planned, you slowly slid the door open, only to find Nobuyuki sitting on one of the chairs, holding a sleeping cat in his arms.

It was the cat you and Teshiro were looking for.

He seemed to have noticed you because of your sudden presence at the door, and greeted you. "Hello, L/n. Is there something you need?" He asks with his saint-like smile, his hand petting the cat's fur gently.

You jumped a little in surprise and you and awkwardly waved at him. "H-Hello, Nobuyuki-Senpai...! Err...there's nothing much that I need, it's that-

"You and Tamahiko-Kun were looking for this cat, am I right?" He cuts you off, now fully showing you the purring animal. Your eyes sparkled in relief as you clasped both of your hands together. "Nobuyuki-Senpai...!" You said, stars and a pink background fluttering around you.

"And also, it's fine now. I had finished putting a bandage around this little fellow, so her leg is going to be alright," The third year vice captain asks while slowly placing the cat down on top of the white cloth Teshiro had put on earlier. "You and Teshiro were trying to help this guy. You two are very kind."

"Ah...! Thank you...! But, we kind lost her on our way to bandage her up...hehe..." you replied, scratching the back of your head as you chuckled. Nobuyuki doing as well.

There was a brief of silence between the both of you, no noises, just the sound of rain pouring outside while you just stood by the door, and Nobuyuki admiring the weather outside. It was awkward. Including that you're just standing there with a third year. And the vice captain of the team which you rarely talk to.

Not wanting to let the silence take over, you cleared you throat, and looked around the room, both of your hands behind your back. "The rain is pouring like crazy..."

"Right. It's really unexpected to rain at a time like this..." Nobuyuki replies. Another seconds of silence, and the third year looks at you with a small smile, his hand patting down at the other chair next to him. "Hey, you can take a seat here."

you're perfect!!  |  nekoma x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora