Love in the Golden Years

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Front Curtains open to find the NARRATOR at a podium to one side of the stage, and a small bar scene on the other side.

NARRATOR: Oh' my beloved, will you still love to play with locks of my hair when I have those countless streaks of gray? Will you caress my cheeks when the blush of youth is no longer visible? Will you still want to run your fingers on my body when my body is wrinkled and dry? Will you kiss my lips with utmost passion when they are no longer pink and moist? Will you cherish our undaunted love at every stage of life? Will your immortal soul unite with mine beyond the horizon in another world?

This is a love story of a couple that said yes to these questions, and their journey to stay true to their commitment. Love in the Golden Years is based on a true story.

 Sometime in the late 1930's, during World War 2,  A handsome sailor on leave, enters into a bar in Phoenix City, Alabama for a beer, and he soon becomes acquainted with the beautiful barmaid.

 Young Arvel enters on stage and takes a seat on the bar stool and young Irene enters behind the bar and cheerfully hands him a beer

Young Irene: Here you go sailor, nice and cold. 

Young Arvel: Thank you pretty lady. This is just what I need, and your pretty 


face is a bonus. I'm Arvel, and you must tell me your name.

Young Irene: (softly laughs) Do you use that pick up line a lot sailor?                   

Young Arvel: (acting as his feelings are hurt) I promise, first time.  Is it working?

Young Irene: (Flirty) Ehhh... I'm Irene. (she offers her hand for a handshake)

Young Arvel: (He takes her hand and kisses it) Glad to meet you Irene. I look forward to getting to know you.  What time do you get off?

Young Irene: (looking at her wrist watch) As a matter of fact, I should have been off 15 minutes ago, I tell you what, let’s grab a booth, you can buy me a beer and we can talk awhile.

Young Arvel: (smiling big) Sound like a great idea (Couple walks off stage  talking and laughing together)

Narrator: Irene is a young divorced mother of two boys and a girl, and she took the job as a barmaid to support herself and her children. Sailors frequently visited the bar, but none of them ever caught her eye until Arvel walked in. Arvel had always been drawn to the ocean, so he joined the Navy as soon as he was old enough to enlist. When he walked in that out of the way bar, and laid eyes on Irene, he knew he would do anything to make her his wife.  She made him the happiest man alive when she agreed to the first date. Every shore leave for Arvel was spent with Irene and her children. The days was spent with the kids on sandy beaches and lunches on the boardwalk. The couple shared a love for music, so nights they would visit the night clubs. He could play the guitar, fiddle, banjo and he could harp on a harmonica. She played the autoharp, and had the voice of an angel. On some nights they would be asked to perform with the bands, but all they really wanted to do was dance. The couple was inseparable. Each time shore leave came to an end, the couple would have to part, and their 


goodbyes would have to be said. Then on one dark clear night, while Irene was in the states putting the children to bed, Arvel was in a foreign shop buying a wedding ring and planning a future.

 Young Arvel and Young Irene come dancing in on stage and as the song ends, Young Arvel lowers to one knee, still holding the hands of Young Irene 

Young Arvel: I love you now and I will love you for always,  will you marry me?

Young Irene: (surprised and tears in her eyes) Yes! Yes I will marry you!

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