[tWenTy sEvEn.5] - Decisions

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ADMITTEDLY, STACEY gave the idea of telling the villains about UA's plans a lot of ponder. A traitor? Wouldn't that be a bit... extreme? No, she was only making sure her peers got a little bit of excitement.

A chuckle escaped her at that thought, as she sat at a derelict bus stop, at around 3 in the morning, awaiting for the person that she'd been told would meet her here. She'd told the villains she'd be up for it, but hadn't given them confirmation that she'd keep it a secret; leaving them played into her hands.

"So, you showed up," a nonchalant voice cut through the silence. Stacey looked up, to find a tall man, with scars all over him.

She stood up, shooting him a suspicious look. "Yeah. Well, what do you want me to do?"

"Between you and me," the man spoke dismissively, ignoring her question, "I don't like the idea of recruiting a student. I think you'll leak us. But that's my opinion..."

"Yes, it is," Stacey snapped, folding her arms, and standing up straighter. "I'll prove to you that I'm quite interested in your cause. So what do you want me to do?"

"Well, there's your summer boot camp coming up, right?" the guy scratched at the staples on his face. "Could you find out where it's going to be for us? We'll meet here at the same time when you get the information... just in case you decide to betray us and I have to dispose of you."

"Looks like you're a little insecure," Stacey sneered. "Don't worry, staples. I'll find your information for you."

"My name is Dabi," the man hissed, a light of annoyance sparking in his gaze.

"Good to know," Stacey replied, then walked away.

"Might want to bring down the confidence," Dabi called after her.

Stacey paused, then turned back a twisted smile creeping on to her face. "Heh. Perhaps. But... I'd quite like the others to get what's coming to them."

See mum? See dad? Aren't you proud of me? I'm going to make a change... I'm going to do it just for you.


"Principal Nezu?" Stacey peeked her head around the door of the teacher's office, plastering on a nervous look. "Could I ask you something?"

"Alright," Nezu answered, from behind his desk, looking up from his paperwork. "Take a seat, Miss Harbour. What can I help you with?"

Stacey shuffled in, making sure to make her posture tense and slouched, before sitting opposite the Principal. "You see... ever since I saw the umm... guy," she shivered, "I've been paranoid about where we are going for our summer camp. They could show up anywhere, and it kind of scares me."

"Ah, is that it?" Nezu questioned. "Well it's classified information... I don't know if I should tell you." He stepped down from his chair, and strolled over to a cupboard. "After all, we've got to take every precaution to make sure they don't find out."

"I..." Stacey looked away, her long brown hair hiding her face. "Do you not trust me, sir?" a sharp pause intervened. "I want to know if my classmates will be ok. I have a girlfriend... I have so many friends. I want to do my own research."

Nezu stopped rummaging around in his cupboard, and then sighed. "I suppose if you feel that strongly about it..."

From behind her hair, a scarily large grin made it's way across Stacey's face. "I really do, sir."

"Fine then." He took out a folder, then hobbled back to his desk, sitting behind it once more. "You'll be staying at the Wild Wild Pussycat's centre. They are a veteran mountain rescue team, and you'll be in a very remote location there. Every precaution has been taken."

"... thank you, sir," Stacey stood up, and turned her back, so Nezu didn't see the gleeful look in her eyes. "I really appreciate it. I feel a lot better now."

"It's no trouble," Nezu answered, somewhat concerned. "But don't tell anybody else, alright?"

"I won't tell a soul, sir." A dirty liar, that's what she was; but she loved it.


"Wow," Dabi looked on in slight surprise. "You actually found it out. I would've thought that you'd rat us out."

"Oh please," Stacey murmured, shrugging. "I'm just as tired of Heroes as you are. Not to mention that your leader is very convincing. What's his name?"

"Shigaraki. Huh, never took him for a persuasive person..." Dabi mused. "You're not gonna backstab us now, right?" he asked, in a lazy fashion.

"Look at my eyes and you tell me," Stacey replied.

Dabi surveyed her, before letting out a dry chuckle. "Yeah, you're right. Those eyes... those are the eyes of a crazy person. Just like the rest of us."

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