[fIvE] - Battle Tests And Memes

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MY PHONE buzzed loudly and annoyingly on my desk; I groaned, as I moved my hand towards it, and pulled it under the covers with me. "Hell?" I asked in a monotone, flexing my eyelids.

"Honey you need some milk," an extra, dramatic voice blared into my ear.

"Good morning, Trevor," I answered, with a sigh.

"Gurl what's with that voice? Get your ass outta that bed! It's already six!" Trevor lamented me.

"Six? For fuck's sake, Trevor, I usually get up at seven. That's an hour of sleep you've wasted there."

"Don't act as if you haven't spent half of the night watching RIP vine videos, sister," Trevor snapped back sassily, clicking his fingers. "Get up girlfriend."

"Jesus Christ," I sat up, and mooched my way to the kitchen. "Why the fuck are you even phoning me?"

"Honey I was bored. Harrison's gone out, so I'm all alone," Trevor pouted, and I chuckled.

I guess now would be a good time to introduce my other good friend: Trevor Parkinson, British, extra, extremely gay and seventeen years old. He had a boyfriend called Harrison, lived in Birmingham, and had an overwhelming desire to be a fashion designer.

Yup, he's a fucking queen, my Trevor.

"So, bitch, I need to tell you what happened in class. So, this fucking hoe, thought that she could use the fucking printer before me. Like, bitch! I needed to get my assignment done, and this slut just pushes her way in front of me like she's some kinda queen! BITCH I'M THE ONLY QUEEN AROUND HERE!"

"I stan,"

"Thanks sweetie, you're doing great. So, you know what I did?"


"I pushed dat slut outta my way, and yelled 'FUCKIN MOVE, I HAVE GAY PRIORITIES'. And everyone was like 'OMG' and the hoe was so pissed."


"But I mean dang, she was probably jealous of the fabulous nails I was rocking this morning. You know what they were?"


"Fuckin rainbows, sister!"

"Fantastic. Look Trevor, whilst you've been talking, I've managed to eat breakfast and get into my uniform, so I've got to go."


"Shut up. Nobody asked you,"

"Honey, I'm sorry, I don't speak rat."

"Eat shit,"

"You're just jealous that I'm thiccer than you!" Trevor whined.

"This is when I hang up," I pressed the end call button on my phone.

Sheesh, Trevor is a gay mess.


"I AM HERE!" a loud voice sounded from outside the classroom door, and I dropped my croissant. None other than All Might himself burst through the doorway, his signature smile emblazoned on his face. "COMING THROUGH THE DOORWAY LIKE A HERO!"

I wasn't as psyched as the others at his sudden appearance. All Might was amazing, but my favourite Hero was actually a London one. However, a small smile slipped on to my face, as he began to talk.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High; think of it as Heroing 101!" All Might continued loudly. "Here, you will learn the basics of being a Pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get right to it!" he pulled a card out of nowhere, "Let's get right to it! In today's lesson we'll pull no punches!" only now did I notice that the card had the words that I dreaded the most on it.

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