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The blond girl unwillingly took the dead man's red flannel, fortunately, the bottom was only in his blood, though the scene still made shivers run down her spine. However, she was grateful the wolf helped her if it hadn't come sooner... she didn't want to think about it.

She was confused why there weren't a lot of soldiers walking around the veterans center. They were supposed to watch out for the deputy, or any other resistance.

Taking small, careful steps, she passed the body of the man that wanted to rape her. Sudden anger took over her whole body. She just moved in Hope County, and on the first goddamn day, a man kidnaps her, undresses her, shoves his dick into her mouth & now a man wanted to fucking assault her. She felt the big wolf's fur underneath her sweaty palm, its softness soothing her worries. The shock from the earlier scene completely left her, leaving only the image of Jacob Seed in her mind.

Where was he?

She wasn't focused on the road at all, her mind wandered to the rough redneck. Why did he kidnap her, did he know her? He was a grown man and Ella a sixteen-year-old chubby girl, why would he even see her in any sexual way? But the important question was why couldn't she stop thinking about him... Questions just kept coming and coming.

Finally, she felt a tug at her leave, a pair of sharp teeth scratching her bare hand. Looking down, she met a blue pair of beautiful eyes. The black wolf was as still as the night.

"What is it?" she asked, crouching to its level, even though it remained much bigger than her.

Of course, the wolf didn't respond, however, it waggled its big furry tail and turned around, showing her a hole in the fence. Ella wanted to cry, honestly, she went through a lot and crying was something she looked forward to, as well as a strong bear hug from her parents.

Not thinking she pressed herself into the hole, scraping her arms and legs, but she didn't mind, as long as she could leave that place.

The wind was very welcome, blowing on her exposed legs and necks, the trees swaying lightly from side to side, their roots squeaking quietly in the dark night.

"Come along, Alonzo!" she whispered, still in awe at the sky full of bright, shiny stars.

The wolf turned its head as if asking her why did she name it.

"Come on, silly. We ain't got all night!" she demanded weakly, hoping the wolf would actually listen.

Fortunately, it did as told.

Ella named it Alonzo after her grandfather, a Nobel man, she'd dare say. Also, she caught on that the wolf was a male. All he did was help her, and she remembered her grandfather as a good man that always put others before himself, she admired that. Not all people did such things.

"You know... I named you Alonzo, after my grandpa, he was the best man I've known, besides my pops. He's good too, you know?" she looked down.

They didn't follow the path, someone could see them, even though it was dark.

"I miss him so much... h-he taught me a lot, about myself, others, life, and such. He taught me how to love myself, even if I don't have that perfect body.. he was like an angel, a guide, someone that loved me unconditionally."

Two tears slid down her rosy cheeks.

Alonzo's strong, big body snuggled into her, making her fall down, cause his weight was too much for her to handle. Although it was worth it, she finally started to smile, even giggled at the silly wolf.

He licked her whole face, mostly her cheeks, wanting her tears to go away.

"You're different... but I like different."

His snout nuzzled into her neck, she felt goosebumps on her arms, Alonzo must've felt it too as he cuddled into her, his fur warming her instantly.

Soon she was out like a baby, snuggling deeper into the black wolf's fur. He just watched over her, always listening, in case someone or something was walking nearby. Never once did he fall asleep, he kept up till sunrise just to keep the angelic girl safe...

"... he was like an angel, a guide, someone that loved me unconditionally."

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