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The hot weather in Hope County, Montana was well-known by the residents, however young Ella Roche wasn't used to sweat sliding down her pale skin.

She preferred the cold seasons than the warm and sunny ones. It just annoyed her, you always need to drink water otherwise you'll pass out, you're extremely sweaty and have a massive headache. Unfortunately her parents just had to choose this place of all other states, countries or even island.

"Where are we going?" the girl asked, sweetly.

  She cringed feeling her thighs get stuck to the leather seat by her sweat. Ella already hated this place, especially the weather. 

"Fall's End. We bought a small house on the outskirts, so it's near a lake." her father replied softly, turning to 'boop' her nose, making her brows furrow.

"And what will we be doing there?"

"Darling, mum is gonna open a flower shop, I'm gonna be selling fresh fish and other goodies. You'll do whatever you want." he smiled, observing the passing nature around them.

"I think it'll be a good change for us all. Just to get away from the world, and connect with nature more." Mrs. Roche said, watching the road all the time.

A friend of hers informed her earlier that deer's and sometimes bears ran out of the forest, so she had to be careful. Her old jeep was too precious, also her family would be at risk.

"Is there a garden?" she questioned excitely.

Her father chuckled at the young girl. "There is, my sweets. And yes, you can grow whatever flower you want." he already knew she'd ask that.

She squealed, throwing her sticky legs out in the air.

"We're here."

They stopped in front of middle sized, white house by a beautiful lake with a view on the mountains. Ella could just imagine the sight early in the morning.

"It's so beautiful!"


It was noon, they all were finally done unpacking. Ella took the room with the view on the lake, so she could admire its beauty.

Earlier she changed into a checked skirt and a white shirt, putting her high platformed shoes she adored. She loved dressing like a nymphet, or the Lolita style, even though she wasn't as slim as any other girl. She most definitely was curvy, but still had that extra roll on her tummy. Not that she was ashamed of it, quite the opposite.

"Dear parents, I'm going on a walk. I'll be back soon." she shouted from the door.

Before going out she remembered to take a cold bottle of water, in case she'd feel thirsty under the rutheless sun, burning her pale skin.

"Watch out, honey. You never know what hides in the bushes." her mother tugged at her loose braid, smiling.

Ella rushed outside, darting straight from her house to the forrest opposite it. Maybe the colder shadow would bring her some peace.

Upon seeing a fox running by her feet and birds singing a gorgeous tune, made her smile widely.

The sun she could handle, as long as nature surrounded her. It always fascinated her, animals, flowers, plants and such. They were like a poem, beautiful and simple.  That was just her opinion though, she admired mother nature for creating it all.

The path had a lot of turns, but she didn't mind, as there were a lot of pretty flowers on the way.

"Tsk tsk. What a pretty, little lamb." she heard a growl, somewhere behind her.

Her heart started to pound. She was just paranoid or there was someone actually hiding.

"What a delicious, pet. Mmm." it was so quiet she barely heard it.

"Who is there?!" she asked, looking around the bushes.

He laughed, Ella could feel the mans eyes on her, making her shiver. "Oh, dear, little girl. You'll soon find out."

Not waiting anymore she ran off, heart pounding and tears sliding down her cheeks from the scary scene.

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