He did look a lot like his father but she could definitely see some of Tally in his delicate features, he had her cute button nose and her deep dimpled smile, but his eyes were absolutely beautiful.

He had inherited his grandfather's bright peridot green eyes that seemed to be like two liquid gemstones that pierced through to your soul.

He was the most beautiful baby she had ever seen, she knew that she and Logan would never be able to have a child together like Tally and Gerit have with Jasper but she would settle for being the best aunt to this special boy.

Logan looked at the small child in her wife's arms and smiled at him "You have tiny feet." She said tickling the bottom of his foot.

Raelle smiled at her wife,

Yah..she could be content with this life.


The unit left after visiting hours were done with General Alder and Leanbow Alder leaving Tally and Gerit alone with baby Jasper.

Gerit held Tally close to him on the bed as she nursed their son who's eyes were slowly fluttering shut heavy with sleep.

"He's so beautiful Tally love." He whispered to her.

"I know, I still can't believe that he's finally here. He's so perfect." She said as she finished feeding Jasper gently patting him on the back feeling that he was now finally asleep.

"We're a family now." She said looking up into Gerit's beautiful onyx eyes smiling.

That's when Gerit knew that this was the right moment, when his entire family was together and safe.

"I'm so glad that your both okay, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when that all happened. I shouldn't have left you." He said holding her tighter almost as if he was afraid that this was all a dream and that she would be ripped away from him again.

"It's okay my love, we're together now and that's all that matters. I'll be able to go home in a few days and Jasper is perfectly healthy, we're all okay now." She said kissing his cheek.

He smiled as he could feel her usual warmth returned back to her beautiful self once again.

He took in the image of her holding their son once again and that was all it took for him

"Marry me?" He whispered, Tally looked up at him in shock that she was sure she had imagined him saying it.

"What?" She asked him, Gerit  smiled at her

"I said will you marry me Tally? I was going to ask you during Litha but you had your accident then and then Raelle and Logan were getting deployed so it just didn't feel right then either.

Then everything that happened with you and Jasper. Tally I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our family, you are the love of my life and I want to build a life with you."

Tally watched with tears in her eyes as she watched him get down on one knee and took her hand in his,

"So with that being said, Nathalia Craven would you do me the extraordinary honor of becoming my wife until the sun sets on our last days on this earth?" He asked her.

She shook her head "Yes, yes of course!" She said sobbing, he smiled at her as she pulled him into a kiss.

He pulled a small sliver ring out of his pocket and placed it on her ring finger.

"It was my mother's ring when my mom proposed to her." He told her,  it was a small silver Claddagh ring with a tanzanite stone for the heart. It was absolutely beautiful.

"I love you Gerit Buttonwood." She whispered

"I love you to Tally Craven."  That's when baby Jasper cooed at his parents waking up from his sleep,

"You know we never did decide who's last name he would take?" Gerit said

"What if he had both of ours? So that he held the names of the two people that loved him the most?"

Gerit looked at her in confusion "How so?"

Tally thought for a moment before deciding "How about Cravenwood? Jasper Dakota Cravenwood."

"I like it." He said smiling, "Well then, I can't wait to call you Mrs. Cravenwood."

Tally giggled "Me to, Mr. Cravenwood."



Hello....it's me! I promise I have not abandoned this story I love you all to much to do that to you.

I've just had CRAZY writers block, but the new promo pictures for season 2 was the kick in the pants I needed to get this out for you all!!

So Tally and Gerit are engaged!! I'm so happy, I'm honestly sad that the show waisted a perfectly good Romeo and Juliet storyline like theirs so soon in the game.

Oh well that's why I wrote this story, this is how I wanted the show to be.

Anyway I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting so so long I promise that after the holidays I will try to be more regular about my posts, but please leave me your amazing beautiful comments and I will try to answer them as soon as possible.

I love you all

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