XXIV. Thousand More

Start from the beginning

I went down to the beach while holding the bunch of white roses in one hand. But I was surprised to see what event is going own. White clothes draped all over the place and flowered adorn the post. A wedding.

I scanned the whole area and saw Keirst in the front wearing a white cocktail dress with her curled hair adorned with a pink flower crown. She's not wearing her glasses like usual and she's so beautiful.

I walked closer and the moment she noticed me she gasped and ran towards me.

"Ash! What are you doing here?" she smiled widely at me. I handed her the flower I am holding. "Wow, these look pretty! Thank you."

"You look beautiful,"

"I know right!" and she laughs. "But these lenses are killing me. God! Why did I even wear these." She blinked a couple of times.

"What's going on?" I asked while looking around.

"A friend's wedding. The reception is pretty rushed actually that's why I never had a chance to tell you. You see that woman..." she said while pointing at the one wearing a simple wedding gown. "...she's my best friend from the culinary school I studied. She kept on insisting to cast me in her wedding but the venue is too far and I have a work here. She contacted with Tita Ana instead. I only knew everything after five days ago! A little devil she is!" she acted angrily but I just laugh it off, she's too cute.

"I'll introduce you to her, come!" she dragged me across the venue with lots of people wearing their best dresses and suits while I wore just a shirt and pants. I felt out of place.

"Keirst! Ohh, what do we have here?" her friend asked with a teasing smile as she watched our intertwined hands. Keirstine just glared at her but her friend just laughed. A man beside her also laughs, the groom. "You got yourself a little romance, I see! Thank God!" he said.

"Oh, shut up!" she tried to pinch her friend but the latter evaded it. "Anyway, this is Ash a friend of mine in Louisville. Ashley met Alysza and Dan, my friends."

"Hi," I offered a handshake.

"Hey, dude. It's nice to meet you. We never really heard of Keirstine's dating stories but I'm glad she has one. I'm afraid she's gonna steal my girl from me." he burst out laughing as Keirst started throwing punches at him.

"I'm straight, dude!" Keirst shouted.

"Yeah, it is really hard to persuade her to date. You know what, I set her up to a lot of guys but she never had interests at all." Alys said and Keirst just rolled her eyes.

She seems so close to them as I heard a lot of stories from them. The couple excused themselves only when some of their other relatives came. The place became full of guests. The wedding had started earlier at dawn because the couple wanted a sunrise wedding by the beach that's why some of their guests are unable to attend the ceremony.

Keirst and I decided to stroll the beach. She leads the way while still holding the flowers I gave her. I watched her from behind and the view really suits her well so I decided to take out my phone.

I took a shot while she's staring out the calm sea but she heard my camera's shutter sound.

"Hey! You didn't inform me," she pouted. I laugh hard. I thought she's gonna get mad but instead, she posed for me.

"Let's take a photo together." She handed out her hand as I am still looking at the screen with her face. I held her hand and said,

"I got the best view." Her face flushed as I took another photo of her. I indeed got the best view I ever wanted.

We took a couple of photos together before we decided to join the reception party. The whole event ended at around four in the afternoon but there will be an after-party tonight.

I wanted to join the party but I am tired and I need to travel back tonight, so we decided to hang out in her cottage instead.

We were sitting on the sofa when I think of something. I fidget through my phone and played a song.

As the instrumental played, I stood up and ask for her hand. She looked at me laughing lightly as if I am doing something absurd.

"Come on," I said and she accepted my hand. I held her tight as I started swaying slowly to the beat.

Heartbeats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching stand alone

All of my doubts suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

She leaned her head on my shoulders. We're feeling each other's warmth and hearing our heartbeats. We stayed swaying to the slow version of the song 'A Thousand Years' in the middle of her living area. Calm and peace surrounding us and this feeling of contentment as I held her in my arms.

"I have loved you for a thousand years." I sang as the song came to an end.

"I'll love you for a thousand more," she sang as she looked up to me and our eyes met. She closed her eyes and I am slowly drawn closer to her as I closed my eyes too and felt the softness of her lips.


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