"That's what the fall did. As far as I know, all of us are like this. I didn't get to check on everyone though, because Abaddon intercepted me before I could get the last three. We all landed nearby one another, so it wasn't hard to find each other." He explained. He flapped his wings gently and winced. "Tell the bastard that did this I would like to rip their brain out." He muttered.

"Noted." Castiel said dryly. Sam shot him a look that said 'Metatron tricked you', but Cas just glared back. "What? It was you?" David asked. He was staring at Castiel with something close to fear.

"Aren't you the one that opened Purgatory and killed all those angels?" He asked quietly. I groaned. His mother had been killed that day, and I wasn't sure what he would do when he heard Castiel's soft. "Yes."

He only stared for a second long before pulling an pillow over his face and muttering "Out, everyone." I sighed and trailed my hand along his wing as I left. I felt his ending feathers wrap around my fingers, a silent goodbye we had always used.

"Well, that was a rush of adrenaline and confusion." Sam said as we headed into the living room again. I laughed before sighing deeply.

"He can be like that. It's like a teenager with mood swings sometimes." I admitted. Sam chuckled. We sat down together and I zoned out.

* * *


"Sir, another Nephalem has joined Hell." My second in command said. "He's requested to be a deal collector." He continued. I looked up from my desk, surprised that we had a new Nephalem. The last one had died twenty years ago, and the last known two had chosen Heaven. "Well, let him come speak with the King of the Crossroads." I said, kicking back in my chair.

A tall young man walked in, his head held high and his bright green eyes sparked with defiance. He black hair was a bit long, and fell into his eyes, but he didn't reach up to swipe it away. He was heavily armed, with at least two swords, six knives, and even three guns, all able to kill demons. He had an angel blade tucked into a sheath on his hip, and I was impressed already.

"What's your name darling?" I asked, folding my hands in my lap. He was impressive as I was at that age- in demon years of course. What with the difference in time between Hell and Earth, plus time travel, I was well over a thousand years already, so one hundred was no longer impressive to me.

His eyes bore into me as he answered. "David . . . Sir. I would like to request a position among  the crossroads, helping with the collections." His voice was deep and smooth, easily calling my attention to him. I like the little tyke already. I thought.

I stood and walked over to him. I reached out to finger his hair, knowing it would set him off, and I wasn't surprised when he had me pinned against the wall with a knife to my throat in seconds, despite all the magic I tried to fight him off with. He was powerful.

"Don't ever try to touch me again." He growled. He quickly lowered me again and stepped away, a deep frown marring his handsome features. The kid's eyes are familiar.  I thought as I paced around my desk again.

"If you want to collect, I'm assuming you're a shifter?" I asked. He nodded stiffly and a twinkle of mischief entered his eyes. "I can be any form I want, including but not limited to hellhound." He answered. His eyes shifted to that of a hound for a second to prove it. The lopsided grin that spread over his face reminded me of when Gavin found out he loved to work with the blacksmith, but I stuffed the memory away, wishing the guilt would just leave me be.

"Why?" I asked. I could see that David was not prepared for this question, because doubt entered his eyes. "W- what?" He asked, his confident shell cracking for a second. "Why?" I asked again. He quickly realized his mistake and slapped a cruel grin that would fool anyone but me onto his face.

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