Trying New Things

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Sam’s POV:

“Samuel, what is this . . . thing?” Gadreel asked me. I looked up from where I was making a sandwich in the kitchen to see Gadreel playing around with the toaster. I chuckled and took it from him, plugging it back in and telling him not to touch it as I put some bread in.

“It’s called a toaster. It cooks bread to make it a little bit crunchier and easier to but stuff like butter, jam, peanut butter, and honey on it.” I said. Gadreel frowned and watched it as I walking to the fridge, pulling out the blackberry jam.

“SHIT!” Gadreel yelled as the toaster popped. I nearly dropped the jam and began laughing so hard it hurt, curling up on myself and loving Gadreel’s confused face. “What was that?” He asked in alarm. I took the toast out, spreading the jam across it and handing it to Gadreel.

“That’s how it tell you it’s done. It’s on a spring that pops it out of the heated metal so that it doesn’t burn. You’ll get used to it.” I said. I was still giggling. It was amusing to hear Gadreel curse, like when a kid tests it out for the first time. They know that it’s a bad word, but they don’t quite understand what it means to use it.

I finished making the sandwiches I had been working on while Gadreel tested the toast. A smile spread across his face at the taste and I chuckled again. “It is good. I see why humans eat it. Although I still don’t understand why it must be so alarming to make.” He said, glaring at the toaster. I laughed and left the room, heading down to see Crowley. I figured he’d be off of his high or whatever human blood does to him and it was safe to hang with him again.

I felt guilty lying to Dean about why I was hanging out with Crowley, but he would probably kill the King of Hell if he found out how much I was crushing on him. I was still chuckling as I entered the dungeon and Crowley raised an eyebrow.

“What’s so funny Moose?” He asked. I set the food down in front of him and unstrapped him, and he sent me a grateful look. I sat across from him and he paced around before sitting on the table again.

“I just showed Gadreel how to use a toaster. He yelled a choice word and it was extremely funny.” I said, giggling. Crowley chuckled deeply and started eating. He hummed in appreciation at the sandwich. “Moose, you make a mean sandwich.” He commented, wiping a bit of mustard off of his chin. I caught myself staring at him and quickly looked away to hide my blush. Get yourself under control Sam. It will be way too obvious if you keep blushing like this. I chided myself.

“So, Moose, to what do I owe this visit and this wonderful sandwich?” Crowley asked. He sat upright on the table as he finished, shoving the plate away from himself. I shrugged. “I did promise I would come back later, didn’t I?” I asked. Crowley shrugged. “I guess, but I’m still confused as to why.” He pointed out. I found myself fighting another furious blush as he inched closer, letting him legs hang off of the table only a few centimeters away from my shoulders.

“I . . . I guess I just like hanging out with you. Plus, Dean’s hanging out watching Sherlock with Cas, and I’m sure Gadreel is avoiding the toaster.” I joked. Crowley laughed slightly and I sat back in my chair.

“Is there a nickname or something I can call you that’s shorter then ‘Crowley’? It’s a mouthful.” I said, watching his face to see how he reacted to me taking a new step in our . . . friendship?

“Uh, I guess you can call me . . . Fergus. It was my human name, and I had more friends than I have in a long time.” He said, the smallest of blushes entering his checks. “Fergus? Really? I wouldn’t have taken you for a ‘Gus’.” I said, jostling him with my elbow as his blush deepened.

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