Poppy Fields

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Tyler was wandering in the poppy field at 3am as he usually does every night. He lays down in the grass, looking at the stars, wondering what his family members are doing right now. Do they even remember him? Do they remember the times he was there with them?! He's just a ghost now. He's been dead for 2 years now. Every day in the morning he went a checked if his family was alright. He always went and watched them from a far distance, and at night he goes to the poppy field. He stopped visiting his family after 6 months of his death, and he just wondered if they still remember him till this day. He doesn't know or care that much about what's going on in the world anymore, but he always wonders " why am I still here?" "why am I still wandering aimlessly in the world?!". He usually asked himself these questions, but never found the answer to them. One night when he was in the field looking at the stars, something shined so bright and it started getting closer. All of the sudden a huge metal" thing" landed in the poppy field, close to where Tyler was. Tyler was confused, "what could this thing be?!" he asked himself. After a while of Tyler just staring at this thing a door suddenly opened and a human like figure appeared in the fog.

That's the first chapter I hope you like it. More chapters will be posted later.

-The author.

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