Chapter 2

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Hermione Granger was scared for her life. There was nothing like a mad man taking over the Ministry of Magic and forcing witches and wizards like herself to serve Purebloods. Draco and Hermione did have a history, but she knew she would not get any mercy from the Malfoys of all people.

"Who knew the brightest witch of our age would have to stoop so low as to serve the Malfoys like a house-elf?" Draco asked in general while smirking at her. "But I know what you are thinking, Granger. You think the Dark Lord can't reach you here, and you're right."

Hermione felt herself smiling since the Battle of Hogwarts ended. The look on Draco's face caused her smile to disappear.

"Wait a moment, though. You still have to do what we say. Mother, let us have her cleaned up some before she starts." He said, his back turned to her. Despite being on the winning side, he could not help but feel bad. Hermione was one of the bravest and smartest girls he had ever met. She may have been annoying in school, but he had grown to respect her. He and his mother knew that she did not deserve this. His father, Lucius, was a different story, though.

Narcissa brought Hermione to a second-floor bathroom of the mansion. Now that Muggle-borns were to serve the Purebloods, each family servant had a particular set of clothes to let others know that this servant did a specified family. For the Malfoys, Hermione's clothes were plain. She had expected them to go all out for that.

"Missus Malfoy? I was wondering how you would like me to refer to you as?"

"My dear, you poor girl. No one deserves this. Narcissa or ma'am are fine; Missus Malfoy makes me sound old. You will have to ask what Draco would like. Please excuse my husband too, dear. He isn't used to not getting attention from the Dark Lord," the older witch explained sadly. "I know you're scared, but Draco and I will do what we can to protect you, and I'm sorry about your friend, Ronald."

At the sound of his name, Hermione broke down crying. She still was not over his death and missed him terribly.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking!" Narcissa exclaimed and took the crying witch into her arms. "I don't know if it will help, but I could get you to see Harry Potter." Hermione smile again as tears streamed down her face.

"Yes, thank you so much, Narcissa!" Hermione cried and held to the older witch with comfort.

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