Chapter 14

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A/N: I just found what I started to write for chapter 14 in my Google Docs an hour ago. I hope you all are not too mad at me for having not updated in over a year. I wasn't in a good place for a really long time after my break up two years ago, and things have improved so much since then. But now, with my work schedule, I may or may not be able to update a lot, but only when I can.

Draco stormed into the castle.

"Where is she?!" He yelled while shouting out spells. "Where is Hermione!"

"Draco Malfoy. So nice of you to join us once again." Came the drawl of Voldemort's voice. "Crucio!"

Draco fell to his knees in agony and pain of one thousand hot knives on his skin. He cried out and nearly begged the Dark Lord to end the pain right then and there, but he did not.

"What did you do with Hermione?" Draco spoke in between breaths.

"Speak up, boy," the Dark Lord spat. Angrily, Draco tightened his grip around his wand. This action did not go unnoticed by the Dark Lord and the other Death Eaters.

"You dare come in here and try to challenge me, Draco?"

"That's not what I came here for at all, Tom," Draco said coolly, hearing the gasps from around the room. "Oh, so your followers didn't know what your real name was?" He chuckled and spoke to the Death Eaters.

"You all have a choice. Either continue following this pathetic excuse for a wizard or leave him and come with me. If you stay, I will have no choice but to bring the Order here and arrest you all. If you come, we will have you arrested, but after you fight him on this side instead. So, what shall it be?"

This angered Voldemort. How dare he come in here and make a mockery of him!

"I will give you one last chance to answer my question, Tom," Draco snickered as he held his wand at the ready. "Tell me where Hermione is, or else, I'll kill you!"

"Fool! Harry Potter is the only one who can kill me, and he's already dead!"

"Think again, Tom!" came a voice echoing through the halls of the school. "You didn't kill me. You only destroyed the piece of your soul within me that you didn't mean to make all those years ago when you murdered my parents."

"Took you bloody long enough, Potter. I can only stall him for so long." Draco murmured to him.

"Sorry, Malfoy. I was getting some friends,"

A wall blew away behind the Death Eaters and stepped through the Order. Lupin, Tonks, the Weasleys, and more Hogwarts students arrived little by little, all with their wands ready and prepared to fight. Even some Slytherin students were there to fight along with the Order and Dumbledore's Army.

"Sorry, Tom, it looks like you won't be getting away with murder this time," Harry said as he ran towards the Dark Lord.

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