"Tanaka what happened they came with your sister right?" you asked him worriedly.

"Yes, this was to be expected, I did warn them that I could not guarantee their comfort" Tanaka sighed.

"Shoyo's totally gonna puke!" Nishinoya exclaimed as he jumped up from behind Tanaka.

"Nishinoya!" Daichi scolded.

"How did your sister even pass her driving test?" you asked Tanaka.

"Well...I don't know" he replied.

"Hey Kenma that ginger kid is here!" Kuroo called out.

"Shoyo" Kenma said as he looked up from where he was sitting in the corner.

"KENMA!" Hinata shouted as he jumped up, he seemed to be better now since he ran towards his friend.

"Well he recovered quickly" you stated.

"Can we play volleyball now?" Kageyama asked you.

"Uh sure" you replied in confusion, these two dorks had almost thrown up just now, how were they better already?

"Hey (Y/N) you're wearing a Nekoma jacket!" Hinata said as he pointed to your clothing as he made his way back over to you after greeting Kenma.

"I am" you smiled.

"Its because they're part of Nekoma now" Kuroo said as he grinned.

"KAGEYAMA THE ROOSTER MAN'S TRYING TO STEAL (Y/N) FROM US!" Hinata shouted as he cowered behind Kageyama and pointed at Kuroo who was almost wetting himself from laughter.

"You can't have (Y/N)!" Kageyama said as he glared up at Kuroo.


"Hinata he's not going to steal me don't worry" you tried to reassure him.


"What wouldn't I like?" Yamaguchi asked as he heard his name.

"KUROO STEALING (Y/N)!" Hinata replied loudly.

"He was gonna steal her" Kageyama nodded.

Yamaguchi turned to you for an explanation.

"It's because I'm wearing this jacket" you said as you raised your arms out to the side to show off the jacket.

"Oh" Yamaguchi laughed.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna steal your lover" Kuroo told Yamaguchi.

"Lover?" he asked in confusion.

"He means me" you said as you gave Kuroo an annoyed stare.

"They finally admitted they're in love!" Kuroo said happily as he clapped his hands together.

"No I didn't, now shut up and go find Bokuto or something" you snapped.

"But I wanna stay here" Kuroo pouted.

"Why though?" you sighed.

"Because" he replied as he shrugged.

"That was very specific" you sighed sarcastically.

You glanced at Yamaguchi briefly and he just shrugged at you.

"Hey (Y/N) who are they?" Lev asked as he come over to you.

"AHHH HE'S SO TALL!" Hinata screamed.

"Wow you're so short!" Lev said to Hinata.

"HUH?" Hinata replied, somewhat offended.

"Oh this is Hinata, Kageyama and Tadashi or Yamaguchi" you explained as you smiled at Lev.

"Hey, my name's Lev!" Lev introduced himself happily.

"But you're from Nekoma, we didn't see you at the practice match" Hinata said.

"It sounded so weird you calling me Yamaguchi" Tadashi said to you.

"I know I haven't said that in years" you replied.

"Yeah I've only just joined the volleyball team" Lev explained.

"That's why he sucks" said Kuroo.

"Hey, (Y/N) is Yamaguchi your boyfriend?" Lev asked as he looked at Tadashi.

"Don't listen to whatever Kuroo's been telling you, he's just my friend" you replied as you glared at the captain.

"Thank god" Lev muttered.

"What was that?" you asked.

"Nothing!" Lev said cheerfully as Yamaguchi narrowed his eyes while shifting a little closer to you. You noticed his slight movement.

"You okay Tadashi?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" he replied to you as you smiled.

"Well we all better get back to practice" Kuroo said as he shoved Lev in the direction of the court.

"Oh okay, I'll see you at dinner Tadashi" you said as Kuroo dragged you away.

Yeah I've changed a part in this chapter because I really didn't like it so the comments might be a bit confusing. Also I just realised this is like 95% speech so I added a few extra words-

Also just realising that I probably should've done more with the Lev thing but I couldn't be bothered to~

I'm noticing that that has become a reoccurring thing-

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