(1) Chapter 13: Quiditch

Start from the beginning

He carried me in silence until we reached the Great Hall. Students gasped and gawked at us. "Oh to have my wand and I could easily blindfold all their faces." I sighed, resting my head on Crabbe's shoulder. We neared the entrance of the Hall. A Hufflepuff held open the door for us. "Let's go in, I'm hungry." I thanked the student and Crabbe marched over to Slytherin table, they were serving dinner. I lifted my head up and patted his shoulder for him to let me down. I slipped into the bench and piled food onto my plate.

"Woah" Crabbe exclaimed.

"Oh hush, I haven't eaten in two days, I'm starved." I took my fork and stabbed into the chicken. Goyle finally arrived with my wand and the rest of the crew. Goyle handed me my wand, which I took greatfully.

Dinner was ending and I had Crabbe carry me out of hall. We were stopped by the trio. "Willa!" They all yelled. Crabbe turned around and shot them an evil glare.

"Hi" I spoke softly.

"When did you get out of the hospital wing? Malfoy wouldn't let us through to see you." Ron said, spatting out Malfoy like it was a horrid curse.

"Oh, I got out right before dinner and had Crabbe here be my carrier," I answered. I looked up and saw a woman in a hospital uniform sturtting her way over to us. "I actually wasn't dismissed by madam Pomfrey so we should get going so I can hide because I see her coming down the hall. Go Crabbe!"

With that Crabbe turned and did his best running down the corridor. I saw professor Quirrell and Snape out of the corner of my eye as we sped past them. We reached the wall to the Slytherin common room. He muttered the password and entered the common room. We were met by immediate silence. Everyone turned to us, I climbed off Crabbe's back.

"Um, got a problem with starring or something? I just got out of the hospital and if you don't mind I'm going to my dorm." I expressed sassily, clutching my wand, I just wanted sleep now. I pushed past a group of people, just as I was in the entrance to the stairs, someone shouted.

"Did you really fight that troll?"

The whole room turned to chaos.

"Did you not see the scar on her face? She obviously did."

"Well, Carolus Rowle really messed up if she did."

"A first year taking down a troll? She had help from those Gryffindors."

"Even so that muggle-born Granger said she did most of the work." '

I sighed and continued on my way down to my dorm. I closed my eyes for a split second, still walking and I came into contact with something squishy. I gripped my wand and brought it to the person's neck without realizing who it was. I gasped and stepped back when I realized it was just Felix.

"Woah kid," Felix exclaimed. "You need to look where you're going."

"Sorry, just exhausted and overwhelmed." I replied, looking up at him. I noticed his dark blue eyes and his dark dirty blonde haira mess ,my eyes went to his chest where his tie was rather messy and a few buttons undone. "You're in the girls corridor- you just-" I smacked my hand over my mouth to muffle my disgusted exclamation. He just chuckled at my shock.

"One day, you'll understand kid." He said and patted my head like I was a dog and went on his way. It was only then I realized my hair wasn't in its usual braid.

Willabe Williams(a HP fan-fiction) Year 1Where stories live. Discover now