(1) Chapter 4: The Family from the Zoo

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After Willa continued reading about Animagai, she ran to her desk to add something to the letter.

'P.S I read the book a bit and I've taken an interest in Animagai. I want to know if I could become one. Can you help or teach me?'

Willa put the letter back into the envelope and sealed it again. Half an hour later the owl had returned looking exhausted. "It's almost afternoon so I'll let you go back home then ok?" The owl hooted in response and started to drink from the bowl.

Willa closed the window then left her room to do some chores secretly because there was nothing left to do. It was about one o'clock in the afternoon when she headed back towards her room.

She walked in she saw the owl perched on top of her dresser. The owl flew down then landed next to Willa on the desk. Willa grabbed the letter for her father and said, "Now you be safe on your journey okay?" and patted the owl on the head. She opened the window and watched the owl fly off.

Willa wasn't sure what to do so she opened one of the cabinets in her room and revealed a hidden TV. She grabbed a remote, sat on her bed and started watching the news.

"This just in, owls have been spotted during the day time more than usual. This one house, Number 4 on Privet Drive had the unfortunate chances of being the owls hangout spot. Here's Mr. and Mrs. Dursely of number 4 Privet Drive."

"OH! IT'S JUST DREADFUL! ALL THESE BLOODY OWLS HAVE BEEN LEAVING FEATHERS AND DEAD RATS ALL ON THE ROOF AND OUR CAR!" Said the woman standing next to a beefy man with a non existent neck.

They look familiar. Willa thought to herself

As the beefy man was talking she noticed the camera had panned down to a smaller version of the man.

"BLIMEY IT'S THEM FROM THE ZOO!" Willa exclaimed loudly, getting  off her bed to move closer to the TV. Standing in front of the TV now, she looks for the other boy from the zoo. She sees movement out of the corner of her eye coming from the window. She draws her attention away from the family and notices the boy from the zoo. "BLOODY HELL IT REALLY IS THEM!" Willabe says a little bit way too loud. Her aunt then comes running into the room.

"What's wrong!" says Tanna frantically searching the room.

"It's nothing... Tanna we've got to go to number 4 Privet Drive right now!" Willa says grabbing her jumper and pulling it over her head.


"Come on Aunt Tanna! please!"

Reluctantly Tanna agrees and puts one of the older children and the receptionist in charge.

"What's the address again?"

"Number four Privet Drive!" Willa says excitedly.

"Okay so it isn't too far from us it should take half an hour."

"OKAY!" Willa says loudly and giggles.

"What's up with you? Got a boyfriend or something?" Tanna says while driving out of the parking.

"No, but I think I have a new friend."

After half an hour of driving they pull up in front of one of the very similar houses. Each house looks the same besides having different colored cars and front porch furniture.

"Is this it?" Tanna says looking out her window at the houses.

"Yes, I'm quite sure." Willa opens the door interrupting her aunt from saying anything else. She walks up the driveway and stands in front of the door. She stands there for about 5 minutes wondering what to say when she hears a familiar voice.

Willabe Williams(a HP fan-fiction) Year 1Where stories live. Discover now