Out of Bliss

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The voices of three separate people became louder and louder. The comforting warmth and homely green hue of green had begun to dissipate. One figure held something in their hand, the glint on the end of what looked like a needle drew closer.

"No! NO! NO SHOTS! NO!" Luke lashed out and grabbed the arm that held the needle. A figure that seemed familiar came into view. Luke couldn't tell who it was through the haze.

"Luke calm down. We're trying to help." They said. Their voice reverberated in his head. The four figures tried desperately to restrain the ex-soldier. This only made him angrier.

"NO! NO HELP! NO DRUGS! NO NEEDLES!" Luke began trashing about and pushing the four away. Most of them seemed to back off, all but one.

"Luke, we need you to stop moving around so much!" The voice spoke again. It's gruff undertone cutting through the haze in his mind bit by bit.

"Sheriff, I don't think this is a smart idea!" A more feminine voice said. "We should've just put him down."

Luke began groaning and pushing up against the soul force pushing him down.

"We are not killing him. Dammit Luke listen to me! This will bring you outta the bliss!" The Sheriff yelled at him. His first response was a shaking of the head. The word "kill" broke something in his head.

"NO! I DON'T WANNA LEAVE! I'M HAPPY HERE! I DON'T WANNA GO!" Luke screamed at the people who were trying to take away his happiness. Trying to harm him and take away the warmth in his heart. In his mind and soul.

"Stop fighting it Luke, we're trying to help!" The Sheriff shook the younger man as the other two fought to pull his hand from the adrenaline shot.

"Sheriff he isn't letting go!" A much more timid male voice spoke from the group.

The Sheriff sighed, raised his hand, and slapped Luke. The younger man laid in shock as his grip loosened. Before the/ could give another go at the adrenaline again, he stood from the cot with his hands up. The fog lifting a bit from his mind.

"Stop, stay where you are! I don't... I... Don't need a shot. Okay... I'm... I'm fine... Sheriff." His breath was laboured as he spoke. Slight shakes of his head made him look like he had just woke from a long nap.

"Alright, alright. Everyone calm down. It's just gonna help you get over the initial withdrawal." Whitehorse held his hands up towards Luke while keeping everyone behind him.

"I'm fine. Okay. I don't need it." Whitehorse nodded his head, accepting that Luke wouldn't take the shot.

"Jesus kid, almost scared me to death. How you feel?" The Sheriff said as he stood back from his spot next to Luke's bed.

"Like shit, what happened?" He said placing his hand over his eyes to block out the light as he sat down on the bed.

"Well, we found you just wandering out in a field just North of here. You were blissed outta your mind. When we tried to grab you, you smacked one of our guys over the head with a rock. We played hell getting you back here. Then had an even-harder time bringing you outta the Bliss." Luke tried to stand, but his legs buckled beneath him. Whitehorse hurried over to catch him.

"Where's, everyone else?" Luke watched as Whitehorse looked away, only looking back with a radio.

Looking around the room, the tension grew exponentially. The crackle of the radio drew Luke's attention. The voice that spoke filled his body with comfort and fear.

"My children, we must give thanks to God. The day I have prophesied to you has arrived." That voice.

Joseph Seed. The words he said to him while he was in the bliss stuck to him. Molded something in his brain that he hoped wouldn't stick with him. That stare that bore through his soul scared the ex-soldier.

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